
Would a weight loss help my current situation?

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I am a 31 yr old male. I have never had any relationships or been shown any interest. This is despite the fact I have been told by friends I am cute looking and have a nice face. I am a bit overweight, infact when i think about it i have at least 2 stones to lose - I am 5'8'' and 13.5 stone (86kg) though all the weight goes around my middle as in a gut.

Would it help to make me more attractive if i lost the weight. I believe people attract on physical characteristics firstly followed by personality. I don't think it should be like this which is why i havent lost the weight earlier but am becoming more realistic.

I don't think i'm obese but when i look at most guys my age they are fit and in good shape. what should i do?

I am annoyed I have spent up to the age of 31 without any relationships.

Could the problem actually be something else psychological?




  1. Weight loss won't help you get a girl directly but it will give you more confidence which will make you more attractive both physically and personality-wise.   If you feel unattractive, you are unattractive.  Ugly men cultivate their personalities so that people forget what they look like.  It's all a matter of confidence and you sound like you need a bit of a boost in that department.  Lose a bit of weight, go to the gym and tone yourself up a bit and you'll fit into nice clothes and feel good which will make you look good.  

  2. Lose weight for YOU, not to attract women.  If you lose weight and work out and feel healthier, you will have more self-confidence and the relationships will follow.

    There are hugely fat people in relationships all over the place, so it's not the weight all by itself.  Perhaps it's how the weight makes you feel about yourself, or maybe you just haven't met the right person.

    Some people (both men and women) are very shallow when it comes to relationships.  Don't make the mistake of looking only at the outside of people.  Looks don't last, but the personality inside does.  

  3. I'm guessing you are straight but as an overweight g*y guy (don't worry, I have a partner of 20 years!!) I was gobsmacked when I realised that lots of blokes actually like portly guys and I'm sure its the same with women.

    Weight has little to do with your problem. Whatever your issues are weight is only a health issue. Without knowing you its a bit difficult to offer any help but there are 1000's and 1000's of women (and men) that would love a "cute" 31 year old.

  4. You're thinking realisticly, but if you're true love was to come and see you how you are, she would think realisticly. You can either try harder to get a girl (don't aim for the blonde bombshells) or maybe go to the gym, and work out a bit, or to save money in the long run, buy a home gym all the gut will turn to phenominal abdominals (6pack) in no time. Hope this works for you, good luck with your relationships!

    (sorry about my spelling i'm french)

  5. I am same dims as you mate and I have a very beautiful lovely wife. I think I got very lucky though

  6. welll after reading all the things ;ike u dun have time to exercise only one thing can help you to loss weight and that;s Acomplia 20mg

    i had loss about 25 pounds in 45 days it really works

    here is a short info and the website link where i get it from

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