
Would algae-based biodiesel be feasible alternative fuel?

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Other than the lowered emissions, what are the benefits? What are the costs? Is it economically feasible?




  1. probably not.  using plant material, no matter what kind, to produce a gasoline equivalent takes quite a lot of sunlight. chlorophyll only used part of the solar energy.  very soon, if not already, solar panels will convert more solar energy than plants, and will be a far more viable source than any plant.

    the problem is that most folks just don't realize the concentration of energy that's in oil, and gasoline.  you get the same amount of energy whey you eat 350 ears of corn that you do when you buy a tank of gas.  replacing the oil and coal that we use is a monumental task.  that's why so little progress has been made, and why even the EU has not been able to meet their Kyoto goals.

  2. According to the goverment studies yes it could, right now the test plants are producing oil at $20 a gallon, but they are very small plants that are trying to work out the best way to grow algae that will produce the most oil. If the oil bubble doesn't pop too soon there may be full sized plants up and running in a few years.

    The big benefit is that we could become engery independent, no more buying oil from anyone else.

  3. No! Still to costly.

  4. If and when biomass is processed in a way that makes sense biomass will become the fuel that replaces fossel fuel. At this time one one wants to use an efficient process for some reason or another but bimass can be transformed into high grade oil that can be used just as efficiently as the oil being pumped out of the ground. Seaweed is the best for making oil because it can be grown for very low cost and doing so would be of great value to the environment.

  5. What little I've read about it sounds promising but there is still several years of research and development ahead before any large scale production can happen.  It will take deep pockets to fund that r+d and the best hope for it happening is if it is done by or in cooperation with a major oil company.

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