
Would an 8 day week work, where people have a 3 day holiday weekend instead of 2?

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Great contributions all! It's good to hear and realise views I hadn't actually thought about or properly thought through with my initial questioning.

Looks like I'd make a rubbish member of any such government!

*So don't worry, I won't give up my day job!*

This one's going to have to go to a vote I think! ;o)




  1. hmm i think it would be good if we all had every other weekend off and then had two days off during the week on those weeks that we don't have the weekends off....does that make sense???  it's the schedule that a lot of my family members work now, and part of me feels that they work better that way :D  i think we should ALL do it!!!!

  2. No most people work 5 with 2 off

    So 8 with 3 off would be exhausting  

  3. I believe so. Then the feeling of "Bad Monday" will become a different Day. But what would you call it? and wouldn't it be objected by Christians?

  4. Practically it simply wouln't work. How would you divide 365 days into months and 8 day weeks. Then how would other countries feel assimilating to this system if it ever becomes functional, which it wouln't. Trade for example will take a massive hit.

    No I think even if it was functional, it would have dire affects. People are exhausted at the end of the week, and another day will simply be a burden and extra stress.

    Three days of will make us procrastinate even more, we would become even more disillusioned, looking for ways to miss work. Three days of will be a stress by itself!

    All that is required is to simply modify the current work patterns, which would never happen. As more work and less reward is the current MOTTO. You're not taking into account people who have to work 6 days or even 7, they will simply be forced, required, or would have to by necessity to work 7 of the 8 days.

  5. I've noticed my personal limit is about 9 days. At that point I'm pretty frazzled and about to snap. After 7, I'm extremely irritable, but not overwhelmed unless it's been a busy week.

    I'm an Army Reservist and there's been a few times where I've had to work all week, that drill weekend, and the next week. It's not something I enjoy doing! (I make sure I get the time I need off now!)

  6. I suspect people would be too tired working 8 days to be able to appreciate 3 days off. I know from my own experience that doing 7 days in a row is pretty gruelling, another day might just kill me!!

    I think people would perform better having a shorter week and a longer weekend - say 4 days on, 3 days off. I also suspect that if people knew they were having 3 days off they would work longer on those 4 days.

    We kind of do this with our 3rd year BA students at the college where I teach - the daily students start classes at 8am and sometimes finish as late as 7pm, but they only come 3 or 4 days a week. I find they meet their deadlines for their assignments better than in previous years, and are more enthusiastic during those days they attend classes.

    But it's an interesting question :)

    PS I've just been looking at some later comments, and I'm interested in this point that even if the working days were out of sync in the different societies it wouldn't have a detrimental effect, coz we already have this. My friend works in Oman, she has her weekends on Thursday and Friday, but it's still one of the richest countries in the world!!

  7. mathematically,

    8/11 =.7272...

    5/7 =.714285714...

    so over a one year period

                     an 8/11 week would total 265+ work days

                 and a 5/7 work week would total 260+ work days

    it would work for some who preferred three solid days off regularly,

    in exchange for an average of  1.1 percent more work,

    in  practicality , the whole 5 day work week world will not spontaneously change the much ingrained routine

    (weekends, church, school schedules, etc..)

    so in final analysis,  this will only work if you do not care about

    being in sync with the commonly accepted weekly routine.

    certainly plausible

  8. It would work but it would put all the seasons out of sync. Summer would end up in January in Europe for some years and in September for other years. The days, months and year have been worked out to coincide with earth making one revolution around the sun.

    That is if we kept a 52 week year.

  9. I think this government would be very pleased to have an 8 day week, no wages, everyone just line up at the supermarkets for a few basics  and that's your lot. what do you think Gordon....J

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