
Would an FBI finger print search in West VA definitly find a felony 12 yrs ago from NJ?

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yes I did get caught up in a counterfeiting situation, but never actually did it, and never profited from it, but I was young and dumb so I took the easy way out and plead guilty to the felony, but cooperated with secret service so, they downward departed it, and I just got probation.




  1. did you comit that felony???  

  2. all finger prints are sent to the FBI.

  3. In a perfect world the answer is yes. However, as stated above it wouldn't be the first time that something that happened wasn't in the criminal databases. Especially with it being over a decade ago, alot of agencies weren't in as close communication like they are today. You can go to the FBI website and send them a request for your fingerprint cards to see what they actually have.  

  4. yes if you have been convicted of a felony it would have been reported to the FBI database, If you have not yet been found guilty of a crime, it most likely would come if they obtained a good print from the crime scene. However many crimes felony or other wise will drop because of statute of limitations. Unless it was murder, which there is no limit on prosecution.  

  5. All the information about your prior records will be found in NCIC.  A quick check will bring up your priors.  (National Crime Information Center.)

  6. chances are strong that it will.  specially if its a government job or something that they are doing the search for.  good luck... i hope you learned from your past stupidty... we all have to eventually.

  7. they know what ever they want about you from birth on till you die

  8. All depends on how hard they look, NJ might have been lazy 12 years ago and not entered it into the computer.  Now adays prints go directly into the computer search.  If they know you have a history in NJ or ever lived there they can run a check that way and find it. It use to be after 10 years they didnt show.  Now with computers everything shows.  But 10 years ago not every city had the updated computer system.  You might get lucky

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