
Would an electric car have fewer maintenance problems than an I/C based car ?

by Guest62328  |  earlier

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since an electric based vehicle would assumingly have fewer moving parts than an internal combustion engine.




  1. I'm not a motor head, but imo, I think the biggest maintenence part as well as the largest part in your expense for them would probably be the battery units. From what I hear, those battery units aren't cheap at all.

  2. If we get democrats in office(electric cars are not in the best interest of republicans because they are backed by big oil), then yes, it would be cheaper to own an electric car.

    Nuclear batteries in either alphavoltaic or betavoltaic form can safely run for a period of 30 years. They do not need to be recharged at all.

    This is what is on the drawing board for the future.....if we are democratically backed......

    This battery is universal and can be used as a replacement for Li-ion batteries...

    The only problem is, this sort of battery would probably cost as much as the car, so they will probably be sold separately and you will use the same battery for 6-8 cars.  

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