
Would an optometrist give contact lenses to a patient before glasses if the patient preferred them?

by  |  earlier

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i have short sighted vision. and my overall vision is getting slightly worse. my vision close up is okay though. i'm 15. i have been to the optometrist and they reccomend me getting glasses but i would rather contacts instead. please dont say that i need glasses because not having them is making them worse and that im being stupid cuz i've heard it all before.

anyway, do u think that they would give me contacts before glasses. as in not having had glasses before.

also are you just guessing, or have had it done before or anything?




  1. When I go to the doctor I usually tell them I want a prescription for contacts and eyeglasses. They never object to my request. If they want you to have glasses instead of contacts there is probably a good reason. Ask the doc why do they want you to have glasses instead.

    Wearing contacts all day long is irritating and a pain in the *** at times. I usually wear contacts when at school or going out to places and I wear glasses at home.

  2. Tell the doc you want contact lenses and he'll give you a prescription for both. He is going to suggest you get glasses, not a bad idea because you may not want to have contact lenses on 24/7, but you don't HAVE to get the glasses anyway. You can get them anywhere you want to, don't let them tell you you are required to buy them from there too b/c some optometrists will rip you off due to their prices.

  3. If this is your first time getting a prescription, many doctors will fit you in glasses first, then do the contacts.  There's no reason you can't have both if you are a good candidate for contacts, but you should have a pair of glasses as a backup in case of infection, irritation or injury with the contact leaving you unable to wear them for a period of time.  If you want contacts, ask to be fit for them, but do have the glasses as well.

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