
Would an unprovoked attack against Iran by the USA and/or Israel be within the bounds of international law?

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Many people believe that such an attack could happen sometime this year. The goal would be to disrupt Iran's alleged nuclear sites.

Would it be legal for the USA and/or Israel to do this?




  1. excuse me did you say unprovoked, iran, in case you didnt know  has been sending weapons and money to insurgents in iraq, weapons that kill our boys

  2. Unprovoked??????

    "we are going to wipe Israel off the map"

    "Israel will cease to exist"

    All the while marching towards obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Israel would have to be insane not to take action!

    Not to mention support for terrorists in Iraq and around the world.

    The power to protect your country and people from nuclear attack is ethical and they can't afford to consider who thinks it's legal

  3. Iran Has declared intent to kill murder, destroy ,eliminate  isreal, the "west" and anyone or thing (i guess that means dogs too) > Their reason ffor such irrational hatred is irrelevant!!!

    -Humans recognize threats; iIts hard wired and has allowed man to survive thus far.

    -Humans are also hardwired to protect and preserve the next generation for that which kills.

    International laws only work when all parties are rational and committed to mutual existence. To achieve mutual existence, mankind must tolerate different cultural,religious beliefs .

    In todays world,technology has evolved such that No nation can afford to ignore an irrational,intolerant nation bent on destroying  that which they hate/call enemies ...

    ... No nation in recorded history has ever survived death destruction  when they ignore the snarling lion at their door.

    International Laws are basically agreements by some countries. Other countries chose to do what they want because they will not be subject to other 's beliefs or rules.

    The blunt answer is simply that those that deal with a threat generally survive and raise their next generation. Those that

    panic,flee, deny or refuse to believe that man can and does kill are usually the vanquished.

    Most sane humans try to avoid bloodshed; Those that cannot/ will not accept that another can be a cruel,merciless killer are either in the panicked flight mode or delusional.

    -->Humans are blessed with many attributes-->; not ALL of their attributes are good or even rational. Killer,despots, power hungry tyrants are sad to say- the cause of most all of histories bloodbaths.  Countries that actively instigate,spout hatred and intent to kill/ destroy have usually  no intent to alter their goals. ..anymore than one can try to persuade a crocodile to not kill the other inhabitants of the swamp.

  4. How is it unprovoked, we have told them what needs to be done and they laugh in defiance so a strike is necessary

  5. international law,please when have the iranians obeyed international law does not override a nations ability to protect itself,and its people from a nation who has stated,their intentions are to destroy liberals will by the death of many people,and the destruction of many nations for your stupidity,tyrants,dictators,communist,an... muslim do not care about laws,they dismiss them daily,they expect western nations to abide by them,and liberals agree with them,that we should.while they have a free hand in their attempts at destroying us.

  6. The key word here is: 'unprovoked'.  You must admit that working to build the materiel to create WMD's in the face of almost universal opposition bears some resemblance to 'provocation'. Or will you sit idly by til the mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv or Washington DC start WWIII?

    (and don't forget; anyone can make 'dirty' bombs with enriched uranium- a perfect terrorist weapon).

  7. No, it would not be within International law.  I believe we are going to attack Iran this year simply because there has been so much talk about it.  There have also been a couple of shake ups in the military.  I think those were because the military leaders were against attacking Iran.  

    Just think about it like this.  Iran is wanting to enrich uranium to use for power plants.  The US wants their oil.  The same thing we wanted from Iraq.  Now, in order to get that oil, we have to take it from them.  In order to do that we have to start a war.  In order to do that we have to find a reason.  Thus the uranium.  

    Now, Iran supplies China with oil.  We owe China sooooo much money.  If we attack Iran, China will then be getting their oil from us.  Do you really think they are going to let that happen?  I doubt it.  In fact, China AND Russia have already threatened us about attacking Iran.  I would say the first bombs won't hit Iran before China and Russia launch on us.

  8. If Iran is making nuclear weapons then it's not an "unprovoked attack" but rather an attack to prevent the terrorist Iranian president from having nukes.  This would be a justified attack and just like Iraq, the UN will be the ones who ask us to attack them.  Everyone knows already that Iran's president is a terrorist murderer and even the people of Iran don't want him as president.  You really need to start reading the truth instead of that Arab propaganda kid.

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