
Would any Scottish fans want Ronaldo, released by AC Milan Milan in their team?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, he has been poor for years and was or still is injured but wouldnt he be better than Kenny Miller? or maybe he could partner Miller!




  1. h**l yeah!!! he can replace terry the terror, presumably once he's eaten him...

  2. no

  3. he was out with a bad knee injury for 9 months I thought?

    gone are the days of Ronaldo..I used to adore the guy but sadly for the last few years he has looked very unfit and has shown none of the flair he used to have...go back 8 years and yes would def want him...

  4. no way in my view he has always been overrated and always been over weight

  5. Id take him, i mean come on guys it was only a few years ago we took George Cadet for a few months...

  6. YES as he has not lost all his confidence or belief ,have i come into the gers section as usually they're negative.

    crikey whats happened have i been away that long that the dark clouds have to be lifted

    i would take fat boab as he would bag goals whatever league he is in

    and sit erses

    think revenue

    think of your team

    think of your fans

    so YES i would take him

  7. If there are any transvestts. in Scotland!!!

  8. Yes of course many teams would still want ronaldo in there team as the man is a legend on the field and still has a trick or 3 to beat defenders (if he ever gets fit)

  9. Nah, I think his interest in playing football ended a long time ago

  10. If he was willing to sign a pay-as-you-play contract then aye, say £500 a game? aye then he's got a deal.

  11. Depends on his wage demands.

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