
Would any able bodied make like to apply for the position as my cabana boy?

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Wendy G

I'm about to enlist Mike T. Have you seen his avatar? I need a set of manly arms like that to properly work the leaves/fan.




  1. Lol @ Colonel Reb. Nah, I didn't think this was you.

    Shamu, I think you should enlist Mike T and Cassius. They need some diversion, and a constructive way to focus their energies...desperately.

  2. Rebel Man is already spoken for Shamu.  I'll offer my ex-husband in exchange though...... Deal?

  3. Get me a beer, and go wash the dishes.  And when you're done with that, maybe I'd take you bowling with the guys.  Now git.

  4. Not a fan of the pregos.

    "Finding large leaves to fan me off. It is summer in the U.S. and it's gets stifling hot in the south."   You don't have air conditioning?

  5. I ain't no cabana boy.

    I do not wear collars.

    No Wendy, I'm not responsible for this one.  Blame that one on another person.

  6. A woman after my own heart

  7. You go girl!  If you have a surplus will you share?

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