
Would any body know of a web site that I can go to, so I can do my college at my table instead on line?

by  |  earlier

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I would just like to sit down at my desk or table and work on my schooling books and test (papers) and also would need to send my work in. I my self do not like doing my schooling on the computer. Please help me with this.





  2. It depends on what you are looking to study. If you want a recognized degree, I don't think there's anything out there. If you are fine with just some sort of certificate, there's a lot out there. Just look up college distance learning or career distance learning. Yes, you'll get a lot of online programs listed, but you haven't specified what you want to study, so it makes it harder to give something more specific.

  3. Yes

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  4. The future is fast changing dude but colleges still depend a lot on hard textbooks and actually studying while taking notes on a REAL PIECE OF PAPER AND WRITING WITH A REAL PEN(CIL) ....

    your question is kinda vague though, do you mean you would like to turn in your papers HAND WRITTEN instead of typed.  OR  do you just not like to turn in work online   OR   do you mean you don't like a school that so reliable on the internet.  

    Most research for papers has more credibility if you cite and read it out of a REAL book.  

    About 95+% of serious college students carry around textbooks instead of reading them online.  

    HOpe this helps

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