
Would any girls out there like to have a body like this?

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I just don't get it. Hayden Panettiere is short, chubby, and SHORT. Why do girls and men want to have a short, chubby girl? Her arms are like so big... they scare me.

Why would you want to look like this?

When you could look like this?




  1. because the first set looks like a PERSON not a STICK!

  2. umm youre right about hayden but shes so not chubby shes normal...why do you want to be anorexic?

  3. whats wrong with being chubby?

  4. Wellll, I can understand the short part, at least.

    I'm short and I don't really have a choice either way. haha

  5. omfgg

    the first one is a real woman.

    skinny. fit. curves.

    the 2nd one is HUNGRY. with bones popping out of evrey angle.

  6. Hayden panettiere has a better figure than the second one!

  7. heyy, do you have something against SHORT people? and how the heck is that chubby? you even know what that word means?  

  8. Cause Hayden Panettiere has a REAL body !

    Unlike that other girl who look like freakin Jack the Skeleton .

  9. Hayden has a "real" body, and that's what makes it s**y.  She has a beautiful figure, but she doesn't starve herself like that model probably does.

  10. pff hayden has an *** and t!ts and a small waist.

    that model is too skinny.

  11. the ****??

    her arms are not big at all

    shes so skinny!

  12. ur a ******* loser shes not fat shes healthy and kinda skinny ur so jealous dont be mean to people and let everyone love who they want to love and dont question it

  13. hayden is gorgeous. and that model is just skinny and tall.

  14. Not everyone is born to stand a towering 5'11 like Giselle Bündchen but Hayden Pannettiere is proof you dont have to be extremely tall to have an AMAZING body.

  15. I have Hayden's body, so yeah, I'm deeply offended right now. And she is definitely NOT chubby w h a t   s o   e v e r.  k thx.

    The truth of the matter is that short or tall, every person has their own unique beauty. If you can't accept that fact, then you have a very lopsided view of what beholds beauty.

    good luck with that mentality.  

  16. hayden has a perfect body, she has a small waist and big b***s and ***. and that other woman looks old and scrawny.

  17. Well haydens face is prettier than giselles but i agree with you about the bod. Of course guys like girls with a large chest.

  18. it's her age.  she's 18 or 19.  she just got out of the jailbait stage.

  19. why? because shes not pin thin with her ribs sticking out shes not attractive?  Shes a beautiful healthy girl who is very successful.  

  20. u need help. if you honestly think the picture of what u call "pretty" is healthy you should learn what a real figure is.

  21. i think hayden panittere is preitter than that model she is weird

  22. Hayden Panettiere is not chubby lol and i dont know why but guys that i kinda know about like shorts girls so dont be hatin okie???  

  23. kay hayden panettiere is not chubby and she cant help that she is short. hayden is a healthy weight. not all people are tall and stick thin likie the victorias secret models. and some people think its gross, you can like see her ribs

  24. No I'm happy with what I have.

  25. idk , personally, id love to have a body liek either one of their's . and i dont think theres anything wrong with hayden ..

  26. I'm sorry, but I find that question very upsetting. First, Hayden is absolutely gorgeous. She doesn't have an ounce of chub on her. She works out constantly.

    and Gisele is gorgeous, but she is way too thin, especially for her height. Not counting the fact that she is electronically and surgically enhanced.  When a person loses weight, their b*****s are the first to go, because the chest is just extra fat storage. Gisele is 5'11 and 130 pounds. She is officially classified as underweight with a low BMI. That is bad for your body and your heart. So that is not something girls should aim for. It is people like that who make girls so anorexic. I'm tired of seeing little 12 year olds worried about being fat. They should be worried about playing outside and having fun.

    And lastly, you shouldn't judge other's bodies, because I am sure there is some part of body that you don't like. and it isn't right for people to judge others, when they themselves aren't perfect.

    And the last answer. Men what girls that they can actually put their arms around. Hugging girls that are too underweight is like hugging air. And also, a person with a height and weight of Hayden's is in a healthy body weight, which means, excluding other factors, hayden will live longer. Thus, guys would prefer their girlfriends/wives to live longer.  

  27. I think Hayden's extremely pretty.


  28. hayden panettiere is attractive, and so is gisele bundchen, but neither have very pretty faces...hayden's not chubby.

    anyway, i like my body better than both of theirs!

  29. First of all, Hayden Panettiere is not chubby. Christ...she probably weighs like 120lbs. Second of all, I'm not even a fan of hers, but she's got a great body--it's realistic. Giselle's is like a goddess, everyone knows this....but this isn't something anyone should strive for.  

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