
Would any guy like read any Jane Austen's novels?

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  1. Who's Jane Austen?  

  2. um of course

  3. I'm reading Emma, its a school assignment. My sister is also trying to get me to read Pride and Prejudice but I'm not making much progress, after 8 months I'm only on chapter 25 or something. It's not that I don't appreciate literature or anything, it's just that romantic stories (classics or not) fail to hold my interest.

  4. I can't see why not? Jane Austen is a good writer , she ain't great , but not bad , i know many people obsessed with her .

  5. Why not? I would love to!

    I went to ask for Pride and Prejudice the other day, but it was already out of stock!  I did not download it from the net, because I hate reading books on the computer. It gives me an eye strain!

    Not only read, I will also recommend others reading her books. They are enduring classics. I was attracted eversince I read a couple of pages of Pride and Prejudice, a long time ago. Its first line is unforgettable to say the least, "Its a universally acknowledged truth..."

    I am sure rest of her books are equally good!

    Edit:: I wont comment on their being women oriented. Its a personal thought. Austen was a master of the Drama of Courtship. It can't be enjoyable by women only!

    TW K

  6. I think they would. I mean they are not like modern chick lits as they call them, but usually they have a really good story and are witty. If for example Pride and Prejudice, you don't like it after the first two chapters, I'm guessing it's safe to say you don't like it at all.  

  7. I don't see why not. Unless they're overly concerned with their heterosexual street cred.  

  8. She isn't my favorite, but she's a good writer. I'd rather read a book whose plot isn't really my taste by a great author than a horrible book with a plot I'd find more interesting. I've read some A.S. Byatt too and her books are probably equally geared towards the female demographic. A lot of my favorite authors are women, because they seem to be better at understanding and portraying realistic human emotions.

  9. i doubt any guy would...

  10. My friend is a mega-macho man. Mows lawns, has muscles, etc. He had no problem admitting he read and loved Pride and Prejudice. So I reckon there are a few out there!

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