
Would any mom with a 5-month old be prepared for this?

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Would any mom with a 5-month old baby be generally a good candidate to be second in command for a global superpower such as a large country? Is it a positive, like she's already up at night anyway, so she can take calls from Russia with ease, or is it a negative, like, I know the Shah of Iran is screaming about the oil prices, but i've got other screaming to deal with today. ??

Intentionally a sexist question... if the dad was the candidate I think the sexist responses might be different. So don't bash me for asking the question. Just answer it.




  1. Have you ever heard of nannies?

  2. I'm not sexist but I think either she needs to chill out on her career to take care of her baby or hire a 24/7 artificial mommy.

  3. Why do people think that because Sarah Palin has children they should post political questions in newborn and baby?

    I have children. So if I want to know when the next lunar eclipse is should I ask it here?

  4. Women shouldn't be allowed in the White House. With the way they fight using emotional black mails, they probably will destroy the fragile idea of peace in a day.  

  5. I have always thought women should rule the world, with the exception of Hilary.  They are much better communicators.

  6. i was thinking the same thing...not to mention her 5 month old has down syndrome  

  7. No, you shouldn't have kids if you have to have a babysitter to look after them.

    I'm not saying they should'nt have a career, and it would be okay if she did'nt have kids. but a career like that and children just does'nt mix.

  8. hmmm...good point....

  9. It's not like elected officials just shouldn't be allowed to have children.

    However, this is one of the most important jobs in the world.  It's not like it's the kind of thing she can just leave early/be tired all the next day for lack of sleep/have the baby's fever on her mind...

    Maybe we should hold the leaders of the free world to a higher standard.  That's what they're signing up for anyway.

  10. I don't think the fact that she has small kids is going to be a factor> I think the true factor will be she has no experience with foreign policy or really anything else. she comes from a town of 9000 people!

  11. I don't see how the age of a woman's child has anything to do with her preparedness for leadership.

  12. LoL who knows maybe.. good thinking there thats very artistic of you ahaha... but also weird.. LoL ahah

  13. there are ups and downs but a good mom can seperate work from home even if she works from home. It might take her a second to get used to all of it but if she is used to running a superpower i wouldn't imagine it would be that much tougher with a child

  14. i think they should stop focusing on palin's family situation and focus on the political issues at hand.  

  15. I'm sorry, but Palin's got my vote.  Regardless if she has a family of 5 or 10, if she capable to be a gov. of one of the largest states and take care of her family, how much more for her country?  She has the support of her husband and that is all that matters.  

    Seriously, if this was a MAN running for VP with a family and a 5-month old baby, it would be a different story.  

  16. NO! The woman is not prepared for the role for the reasons you give. There are other far more tragic reasons for this "person" to be globally representational!

    Think about them.

    Just don't DARE mentioning them, or you @ss will be grass!!!

    Trust me!

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