
Would any of you pick your nose in public?

by  |  earlier

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Lol I'm bored, answer if you feel like it :P




  1. Not really but I'd tell others to do it. Why is it such a taboo to pick your nose in public? You know everyone does it. How else do you clean your nose out?

    Later everyone. Gotta go and take care of some chicken meat and stick 'em in the fridge. Hate doing it before bed.

  2. no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EWWWW!!!!!!!!

  3. Nooooo.  And by the way, folks, your car IS public.  Even if you are alone in it.  It's PUBLIC!

  4. I personally wouldn't but have seen a few people doing that.  :)

  5. Well, if I had one of those sharp crusty boogers that was cutting into the inside of my nostril, and I had no way to get to a private area, I might, if I could disguise it as just scratching or rubbing my nose, or if nobody was looking at me.

  6. Never!  I am so paranoid about people seeing boogers in my nose that when I take a shower each morning, I make sure to clean my nose out really well.  I also check various times during the day to make sure there's nothing unsightly in my nostrils.

  7. NOOO...

    Have you ever been seen someone picking their nose on a bus or something? It's very uncomfortable, and kind of gross...

    And anyways, nose-picking is nasty. :p

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