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send me a poem .. ?..

busy bee gets all the attention.. lol..




  1. no


    She loves blood-red poppies for a garden to walk in.

    In a loose white gown she walks

    and a new child tugs at cords in her body.

    Her head to the west at evening when the dew is creeping,

    A shudder of gladness runs in her bones and torsal fiber:

    She loves blood-red poppies for a garden to walk in.

    Carl Sandburg

  3. In my country there is problem,

    And that problem is transport.

    It take very very long,

    Because Kazakhstan is big.

    Throw transport down the well

    So my country can be free

    We must make travel easy

    Then we’ll have a big party

    In my country there is problem

    And that problem is the Jew

    They take everybody money

    And they never give it back

    Throw the jew down the well

    So my country can be free

    You must grab him by his horns

    Then we have a big party

    If you see the Jew coming

    You must be careful of his teeth

    You must grab him by his money

    And I tell you what to do

    Just for the laugh.. nothing racist.

  4. Yeah have one of mine.

  5. Poppy Land

    Dear, there's a land that is filled with red flowers,

    Poppies, they call them, that sway in the breeze;

    Sometimes their petals, in soft scarlet showers,

    Fall in warm drifts that are high as your knees. . . .

    Dear, in your dreams you will laugh as you roll through them,

    Waving your arms in an effort to creep;

    Gently they nod as the wind sings its soul through them,

    Sleep, little tired eyes, sleep. . . .

  6. Roses are red

    Violets are banal

    Do you give head because I dont like anal?

  7. Poor Poppyday, you should have received this on 14th Feb, but someone reported the question

    To ask you to be my Valentine

    I'd have to talk to you,

    Something that in all this time

    I've managed not to do.

    I'd have to get past "Hi!" somehow

    To show you that I care,

    But the right time is never now,

    Especially when you're there.

    But now the day of love has come,

    And I must cross its line,

    And so I ask you through this poem

    To be my Valentine

  8. Take this kiss upon the brow!

    And, in parting from you now,

    Thus much let me avow

    You are not wrong, who deem

    That my days have been a dream;

    Yet if hope has flown away

    In a night, or in a day,

    In a vision, or in none,

    Is it therefore the less gone?

    All that we see or seem

    Is but a dream within a dream.

    One verse do? First poem that came to mind.

  9. Is there not a poetry category on here?

  10. Maybe later.

  11. Twas on the good ship Venus,

    By Christ you should have seen us......

    Better not ;)

    Edit: Try this......

    There was a Young Lady whose eyes,

    Were unique as to colour and size;

    When she opened them wide,

    People all turned aside,

    And started away in surprise.

    [Edward Lear]

  12. It's the last day of vacation

    I feel like I'm gonna cry

    It went by too fast

    Now I just want to die.

    Today I'll be doing homework

    I should've done it this week

    But really, who does that

    Besides weird nerds and geeks?

    Oh well, I just have to deal

    Even though I am blue

    I'll just sit here and procrastinate

    Writing poems on 'Yahoo!'.
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