
Would any other country change it's traditions and norms to please it's immigrants?

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You sound like the type I want in my country. :)

Swearing is so cool, I think I'm going to do it too! *** ***** **** (bleep) **** Now all you have to wonder is if I really swore or I just put *'s there. Have fun.




  1. Because the politicians are in it for themselves, and not the tax paying true citizens of this country. For some strange reason the word ILLEGAL has gone from most of the politicians heads. Probably because they too may be doing Illegal things in office.

    Therre is no way you can go to another country and demand that you get free food, healthcare, welfare, and have RIGHTS!. I bet if all of the (illegal South Americans, Central american, and Mexicans went to the middle east, it would be a whole different story.....they would be migrating back home in a flash) any illegal activity, and it could be under penalty of death.

    We need politicians that obey the laws as they were written, not as they think they can turn them into.   Just look at the housing crisis...don't think washington didn't know what was happening, and earned a lot of money too!!!

  2. people like you have no idea what they are talking bout, all you do is talk **** but dont know what **** is

  3. Legal immigration is ok as long as they truly want to become citizens and assimulate into our Country. ILLEGALS NEED TO GO BACK HOME, and do NOT deserve any entitlements, schooling, healthcare, or any of our tax monies whats so ever.

  4. For the person who said immigrants  just want to be happy ( Sevas Tra), I guess you havent lived around any. Try moving to Forest Park Ga, where they are 50 percent of the populatuion, and will openly admit to being illegals. THEY DONT WANT US AROUND. THEY LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOURE CRAZY WHEN YOURE IN A NEIGHBOR THATS MOSTLY SOUTHSIDERS.Thats  crazy when they arent even supposed to be here. Most foriegners really dont like Americans but for some people to steal their way into the country dominate certain areas, get social services that they dont put anymoney into, becausethey work under the table,have 6 kids and get foodstamps and free delivery at the hospital ) free because they aint gonna pay and or some how get medicaid and still hate us? I really didnt have anything against them tilI moved there, and then that whole boycott march thing they did? How in the h**l do illegals have the balls to demand rights? They were disrespecting the American flag during that "march:" and made the American gov look like the doormat it is to them. I say they should have deported everybody who went to that march as it was happening.

    Continued.. We cant get taken over by war, but we are being taken over through our back door. The strongest country in the world? All the other countries are shaking thier heads in disbelief. So am I.


    John S. Dont you find it interesting that you have to be prepared to defend yourself on these types of questions

  5. no but most countries have politicians who actually cares about it's citizens.. not us.. Don't you tired of having to defend them and their actions.. I am getting tired of people who want to complain because they have to pay a few taxes to help support people who may need medicaid and have no health insurance but then they will pay milllions of dollars supporting ILLEGALS who STEAL, kill, rape, etc .. This is our country  darn it.. What is it going to take to wake people up..and I don't care if they make it a law.. I will NOT, NOT, NOT learn Spanish just to be able to communicate with someone who would just as soon kill me as to talk to me.. No other country for 1 day would put up with the c**p Americans do.. they would throw our rear ends back across the border or shoot us on site and there is NO WAY they would ever give us welfare.. In Canada, even if you are legal.. you have to live there for 3..maybe 5 years before you can even get benefit from the health care system.. Pathetic isn't it.. (by the way,  this will probably be deleted..since I have a troll who reports all my q & a in immigration because they disagee with me)..

  6. Just try entering another country illegally and see how you are treated.  We have one group of immigrants where some are legal and some are illegal which felt offended because one our local governments here removed license applications and similar documents from city hall as if they were more important than all of the rest of the legal immigrants who speak other languages that these documents were never published in.  If we were to move to another country we had better learn the language.

  7. Countries don't really have to change, just respect.

    Inmigrants are just happy if they are not bothered; its comfortable for them to speak english in order to get the job well done, but they should not be forced to speak english fluenty if they don't want to. In matters of customs as far as I know there is no unique type of culture since people who live there have very different backgrounds.

  8. We should be speaking one of the Native American languages, then.

    We took half of Mexico in the 1830s and 1840s too.

    And as for immigrants adopting to our culture, what exactly is our culture?  Who arbitrarily decided what it was? The melting pot and the multiculturalism that we have is simply a reflection of the new global order that we ourselves (in the US) have created.

  9. I'm almost positive I read a post about a Canadian who said they have strict rules in Canada and immigrants have a hard time getting in.  We seem to bend and try to please.  We have forms for SS and the Registry of Motor Vehicles in countless languages, schools have requirements to learn a foreign language, menus are written in different languages along with product instructions.  Who's paying to translate all of these words into different languages?  We are.  h**l, we don't even know what our American customs are since we've been pleasing every other nationality.

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