
Would any "natural inductions" work if you're not dialated?

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I am full term and my cervix is completely closed... I was gonna schedule a foot reflexology appt.. but is it pointless cause my cervix is completely closed?




  1. some things will help soften and open it, like walking, stairs, foot rubs, s*x, hand messages, I once heard camomile tea helps!  But you will have to do a lot of these things.  You can get induced by a hormone that they place behind your cervix and it is one that occurs naturally in your body too!

  2. My doctor told me to start  drinking/ taking these I think around my 35th week.

    Red Raspberry leaf - used as a uterine toner and readily available in a tea

    Evening primrose oil - this contains a fatty acid that helps to stimulate prostaglandins, a hormone which increases uterine contractions as well as ripen the cervix.

    But I was a bad patient, and did it only few times, so I don't know personally if it works.  Needless to say I got induced a week before my due date I was only dilated 2cm, they thought my baby was gonna be big that's why they induced me.  But my next pregnancy I plan on following this info she recommend.  If  you want to explore this route  ask your doctor or pharmacist so you know how much to take and how often.

    Check this site out for more info:

  3. nope.  you are just meant to be late.  it happens.  talk to your doctor.

  4. My doctor was all for doing stuff like that when I was trying to induce labor for my daughter.

    I did reflexology, acupuncture and massage.

    I'm not sure how much it helped, but it did help me relax and prepare for labor..either way, it can't hurt!

    Good luck!

    (p.s. don't use castor oil..that stuff will rip your insides out! it's horrible!)

  5. it could help!... im planning on doing the same thing!

    good luck

  6. 1- apply evening primrose oil to your cervix (you may have to have your partner to it i couldnt reach mine myself)

    2- have s*x. the s***n will thin the cervix and help you dialate

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