
Would any seniors like to tell me what they think of this?

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Many years ago my aunt a devout Christian had a big operation to her stomach.

She died on the operation table,and had a near death experience,she said she was walking across a bridge and she could see the other side

of the bridge was very sunny.

As she was almost at the end she saw her dead husband and he was holding out his arms to her

to come and join him.

She realised he was dead, and if she joined him there would be no going back, she thought about her children then turned around and walked


It was like walking back into a fog she said.

When she came round the doctors told her she had died on the table, and they had to fight to bring her back and also at one point they thought

they had lost her for good.

Do you know of anyone with a similar experience. ?




  1. my great grandma had a heart attack and she said that she had a 2 minute death period. in that period, she claims to have seen Saint Patrick, all dressed in green robes, St Pat said to her take my hand and come with me, or remain in the prescence of your family and friends. She said she told him she wasn't ready to go and she wanted to stay on earth. The doctors also told her that she had a 2 minute death period.  

  2. WOW. What a marvelous story. I mean, sorry for your Aunt's operation @--{--- :) Yes, stories such as these lessen the fear of death for those that fear and the stories give us hope. I have a little fear, sorry to say. I just don't want it to hurt and that I am a sinner, ;) The thing I go on is the infinite LOVE Christ has for us.

    Moreover, I dreamed one night I died and my Guardian Angel took my hand. I was led off my death bed up towards Heaven. I felt myself float up higher and higher past earth and the stars...on and on. I could actually feel the intense sensations of peace, light, and ~love~ that I would eventually meet. I was almost to that ~love~ when I woke up. Trust me, I wished I hadn't. After I woke up, I could still feel the lingering beautiful feelings and I basked in them for a while. I still remember it after all these years. My sister said she thinks that was a premonition. :)

    Happy Labor Day!

    love ya

    {{{hugs}}} <><

  3. No, It sounds fantastic.

  4. It happened to me,but I had no vision.Maybe it's because I am atheist and at peace with myself!?

  5. my grammy, God rest her soul, had one after a bad stroke . . .she crossed a bridge too and walked in a field of beautiful flowers . . .a strange man came up to her and told her to go back, she still had work to do !  She came to and told the doctor to let her get up. . .she had to finish her laundry ! ! = )  She was never afraid of death after that. . .neither am I !

  6. wow what a experience, iv heard several similar storeys ,

    but mostly saying that it was not there time an to go back,

    this sounds like her hubby wanted her there,,

    how scary for your aunt , she must of for a long time after wondered

    if she cheated death , an will it be coming back soon

  7. I think the story you shared with us is very interesting.  I've always wondered about the hereafter.  And I dearly hope that people who have had NDEs (near death experiences) and have been reluctant to share their stories for fear of being thought crazy will be willing to come forward anonymously and submit thier stories to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation which can be accessed at the link pasted below.  This website is a professional organization run by professionals Dr. Jeff Long, MD, and his wife Jody Long, JD.  The site is free to everyone and currently contains over 1600+ NDE accounts written by the people who experienced them.  I've managed to read over 500 of the accounts so far, and I find them very interesting.  I encourage anyone who has an interest or curiosity about the subject of NDEs to visit the site to learn more about it.  I know it's had a both revearling and soothing effect on me during my ongoing search for the truth.  I feel as though I've been given the opportunity to be able to read what people who have died have to say about their experience in the hereafter (if they in fact had such an experience).  And I'll tell you, they write some pretty interesting stories.  I find it fascinating to read their accounts.  

    If any of you reading these words are interested, please consider clicking on the site below to learn more about this fascinating subject.   Once you get to the site's homepage, you'll see some of the current submissions.  These submissions are not numbered, but all the other submissions are.  They start at #1 and go on to over 1600.  To access all the numbered submissions, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage to the links to them.  The furthest link toward the bottom of the homepage will take you to the submissions made during the year 1998.  There you'll find submission #1 and others submitted that year.  Later you can go to the links for the submissions made in subsequent years all the way up to 2008.  I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I am.  


  8. Hi Suzie.   I don't know anyone personally who has experienced this but have read and seen on tv several accounts of same.   I think it's fascinating!   I'm very open minded about this sort of thing and accept the fact that this is possible.   Good question!

  9. i have heard of similar stories,they give us all hope,that we can be with our loved ones again

  10. I have heard of this before although I do not know anyone who has experienced it.  My friend's mother (devout Catholic) always believed that when you were dying someone you had loved and was already dead would come for you.  She always said that there would be a light and then you would see someone you cared for waiting to fetch you.  When she was dying she started talking to her late husband as if he was standing at the bottom of her bed.  My friend always believed that her late father had come to take her mother to heaven.  Sad but true.

  11. When I was very little my father was electrocuted when a Tornado passed through our town and knocked down wires.  THe Doctor said the same thing.  My dad said he saw a tunnel and light then woke up!

  12. These experiences are fairly common because the human mind is a very powerful organ. They are the experiences that those people believe and/or want to happen when they die so as the body gets near death the brain does what the person wants it to do and produces these experiences and images

  13. I worked with a man who had a heart attack he had a simalar experiance

  14. I have never had this happen. But I have heard of it and read about it. To me it can give you hope of what happens after death. But we will never know until we go there ourselves.   Poppy

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