
Would anybody be able to suggest a great school district for a 5 year old child with autism? PDD/NOS.?

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We are located in a Massachusetts town now that has a fantastic public school program, but we are contemplating moving to another part of the country where we can enjoy warmer weather and outdoor activities with our autistic 5 year old Son and 8 year old daughter. However, we would still need to live in an area where our Son could get a high quality public school special needs education. I know many people move here to Massachusetts to get it, and we will stay if that is the right choice. However I believe it is likely that there are many good locations for us to go. The southwest would be attractive to us, or maybe Austin Texas. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks, Casey




  1. Michigan has great SpEd programs in many districts (unfortunately, the economy is terrible here) and we are the only state that provides Special Education services until a student is 26, which is why we have so many students moving in from out of state for SpEd programs.

  2. I live in Northern California and many are amazed to find that it even exists.  It is defiantly not your typical California.  We have all four seasons here, with snow in the winter, and about 90 degree summers with short falls and springs, beautiful none-the-less.  I live in Dunsmuir.  A very small town at the base of beautiful Mt. Shasta.

    While it is a very small place, I find that if you can live without the shopping malls and hectic traffic it is perfect.  One downside is it can be difficult to find work here.  

    As for schools, I work for Special Schools and Services for the county, Siskiyou.  Here, Specials Schools are not run under district supervision most times, but by the county itself.  We are however located on a public school site.  As for Special Day Classes here, in Mt. Shasta City there is a Preschool and High School, in Weed (yes Weed, it is really a place!) there is the elementary and middle school programs located at Weed Elementary School, which is where I work.  There are two classes there, a SDC Kindergarten and another with those ready to move up.  I find it nice to be on campus but not part of the district.  We still participate with the lunch program, however have our own county transport for our kids.  It is nice for siblings, because they are on the same site, however not participating too closely with each other.  I've included some links below.  Some are just pictures of the county, and one is the Siskiyou County Office of Education website.

    Just something to think about.  I think this part of California often gets overlooked. :)

    Forget to mention.  Siskiyou County is about 4 hours north of Sacramento.  And if a big city ever is in need, Redding is about 45 minutes south, population about 90,000.

  3. You're right, Mass is top notch. Check out the CARD websites in Florida, the state is blanketed by CARD center for autism and related disabilities--services thanks to the advocacy of parents like you, through the legislature., for example

    Good luck and God bless you

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