
Would anybody read a story like this...?

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My sister tells me its boring but she doesn't like the same kind of books as I do, so...

The full background is far too long for this question, so I'm cutting it down to basic stuff.

Several hundred years in the future from now, magic has been released into the world. The world is a far different place, as it is smaller, and has, due to a shifting in a large, important force in the universe, gone back to nearly the clumped land formation it was at the beginning of time.

Since then, the High Golden Age of Mankind has come and gone, replaced by a time of peace where half of the world lives in ignorance of any magic whatsoever. The other half are part of three groups in society.

There are the Secret Bearers, who each keep as many of the world's secrets at Fate chose them to. If they fail in keeping their given secret, they shall live in eternal pain. If they do not fulfilll their duty by passing on the secret to the Heir to their certain Calling within this duty, then they are cast into Emptiness when they move on from the world and into the next.

There are the people who are blessed with magic, but Fate gave no extraordinary Calling to. These live in civilizations much like the ones today, apart from them keeping the sacred rule bound by magic that the five ancient kings laid down to avoid another Dark Era. They must not harm the enviroment, and therefore cannot use some of the appliances we use today.

And then, there are the Loners. They originated back to the Golden Age, when they rebelled against the fact that everybody knew of magic and that Gifts were going to waste. Nowadays, they mainly live to see that all individuals with a unique Calling are cared for, and those truly alone magical people out there see no harm done to them. They despise the Secret Bearers because of the fact that no choice whatsoever is given to those with that Calling. (All other Callings have a choice whether or not to follow it; most people are happy doing so, but the rare person disagrees with Fate).

Kirsty Wood is born and immediately orphaned on the border between the Secret Bearers and the Loners. The Hands of Fate wrote her Calling in the sky for her two chosen guardians to see, one of these being Demelza Smith. The other is the Secret Bearer she is Heir to, one of the most powerful out there. However, because she was utterly alone, an unknown magic of the Loners sent out scouts to retrieve her before the Hands of Fate dealt her something nasty as they tended to do.

The Secret Bearers never got to retrieve her because of this, as she was given the Destiny as one of the most powerful Bearers of all time. Kirsty is raised by the Loners until one day (her thirteenth birthday), traveling out alone with a companion, one of her guardians finally tracks her down and tells her of her Destiny. She is then given the Secret she must Bear, which is the entire, hidden existence of magic.

Unfortunately, the life of a Loner appeals more to her, and she is completely unable to track down the Heir to her Secret due to her absence from that society.

^.^ Its complicated, but makes much more sense with the full thing.





    u need to get this thing published!!!

    its the best story ive read in a long time and I'm an english teacher!!!!

    u need to give me the full story when it's finished

  2. yes i would read this story because it sounds really good =) are you going to write more?  

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