
Would anyone actually be crazy enough to

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trust a man?!!!?!!!




  1. Lolz.......

    we can trust man, even if you say we are crazzy.

    OK we are crazy we believe and trust them, but thats because sometimes we Need to trust the people for our own sake or for the sake we think is worth trusting the person!

  2. lol, it depends, we don't trust our dad as much as we'd like to. and my older bro is 2 faced, and also the q could reverse and say, "would anyone be actually crazy enough to trust a woman??"

  3. If you say trust a girl , I will say yes becoz I am girl.

    but trusting a man ,no .

  4. it depends on man!!

    if some one trust a bad man, then yes it is Crazy, but it some one trust a good man then that person succeed!!

    Not all in General, sometime some one can changes other persons live!! a good muslim is wroth trust!!

  5. It depends on the man you're trusting.

    My ex I should never have rtusted and i should have seen that, but my partner now I trust with my life and my heart. He knos things about me no one else in the world does.

    There re good and there are bad men in this world...unfortunaately we tend to remember and find the worse ones more often!!

    I hope you get over your heart break hun, time does heal. Trust me.  

  6. Yes because human nature also makes people want to belong and to feel loved and accepted.  So a straight woman would would want and feel the need to be loved by a man.  Vice versa for a straight man towards a woman.  It is difficult to trust a man because he is human and human nature is also inherently biased and an unavoidable human quality is to propensity to err.  That's also the same reason it is difficult to trust a woman.  There must be a greater desire for love than trust and that may be why people entrust their hearts to another.

  7. not all men, if that man really fears Allah (swt), he should be trustworthy.inshAllah

  8. lool...umm thats my motto: don't trust men.

    haha jk jk.  

  9. Yeah , I trust Morad !!

  10. the only man i trust is my daddy =]

  11. don't trust a man

    like my mom says " don't even trust ur own shadow."

    i pretty much agree with her.

  12. Millions of women ARE crazy~!

  13. ive noticed there are lots of disscusions on trustng men and men cheating women on the ramadan topic today..

    hmmm..has something happened that i dont know about

  14. It truly does depend on the man.  I was married to my first husband for 17 years and he was faithful to me.  He never gave me a reason to distrust him.  Although I never learned to be in love with him, he was still a good man and still is.  My husband is like him in that respect that I know he is faithful to me even though he has plenty of opportunity to cheat because how would I know we live over 5000 miles apart from each other and he's had plenty of women eager to have s*x with him.  The same can be said about me.  There's just something about a person that you know deep in your heart, soul and mind that this person is trustworthy.  I know it seems impossible, but not all men are pigs, there are many, many men who are trustworthy and faithful.

  15. If i was a guy i would trust my self,too bad im not.

  16. if you don't trust a man you will never make him happy

  17. Don't trust what you here about a man and trust half of what you see about a man.

    Trusting a man depends on his personality.

    You don't have to care what is his position in society or among his friends .

    But it is not just for men also women.

  18. It seems these American show's have ruined the reputation of males.. its ashame.. :(

  19. yes sure otherwise how can you ever get married or whats more, function in society which is full of men.  

  20. There really are men who are loyal to their wives, not all of them cheat on their wives.  Besides a lot of the men who do cheat are cheating with women who are also married.  Does that mean women cannot be trusted?

  21. lol awww dnt be like that there are some really nice ones out there u know

    and inshallah one day u will find urs and u Will trust him becuase he will be a good husband


    jazakh Allah khair

  22. Lol, you poor lady. May Allah give company of a good man.

    I trust my wife.

  23. No, don't trust men. They will only go and cheat on you. Lol.

  24. wow that hurts people! Next time why dont u all just take a handful of daggers and throw it at us :(

  25. Err...why not?

    Hey, Lav, you okay? It seems as though you're suffering heartbreak, from your continual questions about 'crazy enough to trust a man'. Listen, the point I wanna make is that if you're a good Muslim and the man isn't, and you stay with him and continue upholding your duties and have faith in Allah (SWT) then you'll be rewarded and regarded in high esteem. Have faith and courage. I'll pray for you.

    May Allah (SWT) make all the relationship problems in Lavender's life totally and completely disappear. Ameen


    Butterfly: survivor of paedophilia.

    Why use that username?

  26. a lot of people trust me and they are satisfied so dont generalize

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