
Would anyone agree with me if I say that, an Unrestrained corporate GREED is a greater threat than Terrorism?

by Guest55834  |  earlier

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Greed has toppled highly paid executives, brought down giant corporations, and cost thousands of workers their jobs and retirement funds...

Would we really be happier if we had more money, more things, and more power?




  1. Yes

  2. Look at the oil companies... Making record profits while we're being raped at the pump and driving vehicles that should have been off the road 25 years ago.  I don't think the framers of the Constitution imagined that 'corporations' would come to rule our economy, instead of "private enterprise."

  3. I was pretty sure that they were the same thing.

    I'd be happier with more money to buy dumb things like food and rent, more things like health insurance, and more power to choose to have a vacation at least once per decade.  Is that unrestrained greed on my part?  If so, I'll just climb back into my cardboard box and shut up.

  4. hmmm i am a believer of Invisable Hand Theory (furthering your own intentions furthers others unintenionally) but that only works if you are basically a good person/ corporation, innately

    i highly doubt it is a greater threat than terrorism- it didn't kill 3000+ ppl

  5. I would agree.

  6. Absolutely.  Corporate takeover of the human spirit is legal terrorism.

  7. I know I would be happier with more; all life seeks expansion. It is natural.

  8. No.  With unrestrained corporate greed its about getting money.  There are not many people who loose their lives because of it; just their lively hood.  However, terrorists are out to kill you and your family.  They do not want your money.  They want you to die.  

    And no, a person is not usually happier with more money, possessions, and power.  Happiness is not based on what you own.  Happiness is a characteristic based on what you believe.

  9. It is one of the major contributing factors for terrorism.

  10. the goverenment ARE THE TERRORISTS, please check out

    i even gave you a link, the truth is one click away

  11. corporate greed is what has spurred on terrorism

  12. Greed without boundaries is terrorism.  ID theft,

    money laundering, kidnapping, murder, and even home invasions.  Entrapping others for their crimes, violating civil rights to the tenth degree.  (How would you like someone forging

    a power of attorney, and cashing "your" check

    with it?  Or holding a "Court" without even notifying you? )  It might not be the Corporations costing the people their retirement

    funds, but crooked government, and investment companies "laundering" the money vested for the retirees!  Terrorists need money to blend in, and live until their target is met!

  13. i agree with you when you say that, an unrestrained corporate

    greed is a greater threat than terrorism, i think most of us would be happier if we had more money, more things,

    and more power.

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