
Would anyone be interested in this?

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I was thinking about starting a lawn mowing service with a buddy, but only use reel mowers, rechargable mowers and rechargable weed eaters. How many of you wouldn't mind having your yard mowed like this and would it bother you if the price was a little bit higher?

We are not thinking about this to get rich. We are think about this for exercise and a little money.




  1. thats a great idea i wouldnt mind the price if it was for helping the enviroment and most importantly if you did a good job!

  2. It's a nice thought for sure. I have a reel mower and a rechargeable weed eater. The drawbacks are that the reel mowers aren't very good at cutting grass, especially long or wet grass. You have to run over the same spot 3 or 4 times to get it good. The weedeater runs out of energy pretty quickly, but works well otherwise. These things would work ok on small yards but not so well on yards that are a half acre or more. I would definitely market the idea, though, and you may get some customers who like that idea. You'll get some exercise, all right!

  3. with taxes rising perhaps i might be bothered.

  4. I would totally be up for that! Great idea! Best of luck, I hope it works out well if you do it! ^^

  5. You might want to mention your location and no I wouldn't be interested but someone else may be.  I have mine done cheap by a friend.

  6. Uh, dude.  I wouldn't care as long as you just mowed lawn.

    That will not bring in the business dude, unless maybe you did the work for free.

  7. excellent choice, that way yu would not use gas and you would not have to charge people an arm and a leg because that money is not lost for gas price. GO for it! The price should not be higher because you will not pay for gas,. first do it for less if you do a good job you will get call backs for good and affordable work , you make more that way.

  8. Great idea, and I would be interested, but you would have to live near me for it to be profitable for you.

    Good luck in your endeavour.

  9. i might suggest you look at the people in your neighborhood.

    it doesn't matter what we'd pay.

    how do the people around you feel about global warming?

    i might suggest your sales pitch not include your getting exercise.

    i mean, how much should i charge you to mow my lawn so that you can get some exercise.

    what's the money for?

    college fund?

    buy cigarettes?

    there's a sales pitch in there somewhere.

  10. Sure. A lot of people don't want to and don't have the time to mow with kids and everything.. Just make sure you guys look kinda professional when you try and get the job... then wear whatever is comfy for the actual job. Charge different prices too if the lot is really small or really big. Good luck!

  11. Our goal this year is to rid ourselves of every bit of wasteful lawn.  Instead it will all be converted to grow a larger garden and orchard.  

    We have a 40 acre farm, and about 1/2 an acre of lawn.  We locked 8 of our sheep on our "lawn" right now.  So our "lawn" is producing money for us, by growing nice fat lambs.  Next year all of it will be highly productive garden.  The sheep will have to rough it out on the pastures with the rest of the livestock then.

    So, sorry....wouldn't pay a bit extra for any lawn service.  We view lawns as wasteful.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  12. I wouldn't mind the price being high if you did a good job. (:

  13. If you added only organic fertilizers and pruning services I would hire you. I recently got rid of my lawn service so I could go organic and reduce pollution. I purchased an electric mower, now I pay my son to do the work, but he only does a fraction of the services I used to pay for.

  14. if you are doing it for exercise and a little money why will it cost more?

    its a good sales technique and would be very popular in the right places.

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