
Would anyone be kind and vote for my little princess please?

by  |  earlier

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  1. there goes a vote for princess jasmine from me. the best of luck for your adorable girl.

  2. Spam! Yahoo wont like it.

    Why would you want to advertise your beautiful daughter on there? Any pervert, paedophile could look at her? Yuck, I wouldn't dream of letting my granddaughters do that.

  3. done good uck Jasmine

  4. Will she win anything if she gets a high voting score?

  5. hey, i just lloked at your link on another question but didnt realise i was voting for something.

    You have been suitably reported.

  6. She is very cute !! People are being a little ridiculous all you see is her face even a paedophile couldn't get much out of that!

  7. No.  Stop exploiting your child!

  8. Yes one vote from Scotland. and a star God bless baby.

  9. OK it's done

  10. The exploitation of children is so rife in America.

  11. Of course! What a cutie! I voted for her ;]

  12. Well 'misspinkkitten1' I dont think this is the correct forum to advertise your you????

  13. I am a kind person but not for schmaltzy rubbish like that.

  14. problem...675 votes now.

  15. No and please stop the multiple posts of this question or you will be reported.  And why on earth would any responsible parent tout their child's photo around the internet where any wierdo could see it?

  16. I voted for her!

  17. I voted for her too. ok i will vote her five times by changing my servers ip adress

  18. I just thought i would let you know that reapeating this question will not get more people to vote colgate will not allow it.

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