
Would anyone be protesting the seal hunt if the seals were not furry with big eyes?

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Every year there are so many protests against the seal hunt in Canada. Does anyone that the protesters are there just because the baby seals are fuzzy and "cute"?

If the baby seals looked like adult seals, (grey smooth skin, no fur) would anyone care?? Do the protesters go out for a steak dinner after a long day of protesting and hugging trees?




  1. probably not. Their image easily makes people forget that the hunt is tightly regulated. They are marketed to make money. And sadly lots of people buy into the poor information.

    The Majority of seals are shot. When killed with a hakipik they are killed quickly.

    It is against regulation to skin them alive.

    It is against regulation to kill seal pups.  but people still call it a baby seal hunt.

    seal hunting never has been and never will be a sport.

    If a person has no issue with steak they shouldn't have an issue with flipper pie. The only difference between the two is slaughter houses are indoors and the blow the the head is mechanical. With seals it's outside and the blow to the head is manual.

    People even forget that a mother seal has little to do with the baby. at 12-15 days old the mother abandons it and the young seal is independent.

  2. its not because they're cute with big eyes

    its b/c the way they're killed is cruel.

    the people smash their heads in for sport.

    and they're 100% helpless.

    some sport.

  3. I agree. There should be a walrus hunt to see if similar reactions are shown by the folks who decry the seal hunt.

  4. Killing animals is a necessary evil.  Like any evil, it should be constricted over time, in line with increases in humanitarian sentiment.  So people feel more deeply about animals who look cute, so what?  It is a campaign that must be done one step at a time.  Power to the baby seals!

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