
Would anyone be willing to tutor me in geometry??

by  |  earlier

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I am taking geometry when school starts and I heard it is very, very hard. I am having a very boring summer so I was wondering if someone who has taken the class would want to tutor me so it is easy when school starts, and I get a good grade. I mean tutor by just instant messaging or emailing. If anyone wants to can you just put your email in the answer. If you stick with me until I understand it, I will send some money :D Thanks a bunch!!




  1. Just cheat.

    It's what i did in every math class i ever took...

    and now im done with that bullspit!

    honestly **** it!

  2. I'd love to tutor you with my knowledge of geometry, but I don't need the money though. I don't know the complex of geometry, but I'm good enough to design a two or three points perspective house. If you would like to learn, you could AIM me. My screen name is: dulaya

    Edit: I don't use YAHOO! Messenger because it doesn't seem to be working on my computer, but AIM works really well.

  3. click here =D;...

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