
Would anyone buy a scrapbook?

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I wanted to research starting a business where a patron could send their own pictures and theme or color scheme and I would make them an individualized and custom scrapbook. Would you purchase a product like this?




  1. I am not a scrapbooker takes too much time I have no interest in it....I would rather pay someone to do it.My mom /dad take the kids somewhere during the summer they take tons of pictures and send scrapbooks home of what they did this love looking back at them!!

    so yes i would buy one..(i wouldnt have to listen to hubby complain anymore)

  2. I know several people who do Scrap books for others. Not everyone like to make Scarp books. Good Luck ;)))

  3. I personally wouldn't because I like to create and work on them myself. I know that others would because they don't have time to do it themselves.

  4. I would not purchase one as I love to do my own work.  However there are plenty of people out there that want to have there vacation photos scrapbooked.  You can tastefully do that and earn a good amount of cash.

  5. I wouldn't personally purchase one.  However, my sister recently graduated with a photography degree.  She not only takes pics for portfolios, but also does scrapbooks for people.  She is just starting out with her business too but she's doing pretty well already.  It's worth a shot.  I think the key to doing it successfully is trying to keep a competitive price.

  6. I would purchase a scrapbook, if I didn't have the time. I think you should look for working women with little time on their hands, that have kids.

  7. yeah so many people who want 2 mak a scrapbook 4 some1 or demselves dont hafta waste dere time 2 mak own so detailed and precise

  8. I have scrapbooked for over 9 years and I do just what you're talking about as a part-time hobby.  There are lots of people out there who don't have the time or are not creative (they feel) to do it themselves.  People so buy them - but it can get kinda expensive and sometimes people don't want to pay that much.  If you want more info - just put me in your contacts and I can get more in detail for you.

  9. I'm not into scrapbooking, so no.   I do know, however, that the scrapbooking places that were in my area are gone. One woman who quit her job to start a store had to close and go back to working.  There wasn't enough interest. You may want to consider selling your services on


    The economy is so bad right now, that people are a bit tighter with their money.  I would seriously rethink starting a business at this time.  Or maybe start another business with something that people will need(necessity) not want(luxury).

    Perhaps you could clean houses and casually mention that you do scrapbooking and see if that creates an interest.  That way, you are making money one one hand and networking to create the business you want in another.

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