
Would anyone buy a used iPod?

by  |  earlier

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Would anybody out there buy a used, well kept ipod shuffle for about $25-$30? If not, what price would you buy it at?




  1. You can take a look at the listings on eBay to get an idea of what people are buying and selling shuffles for.  If I were going to buy a used one, I'd probably look for one around $20.

  2. Tons of people buy these on Craigslist, and I woulld sell yours for about twenty-five percent less than a comparable refurb. The price depends upon capacity and revision, obviously an old 512MB isn't worth what a near-new 2GB unit is.

    Me, I wouldn't pay anything for one, because it's too crippled for me to use. Seriously, it doesn't even have a screen, and needs proprietary software to sync.

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