
Would anyone consider Turkey as a Muslim country?

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Im just wondering every ones perspective about the Turks (im turkish). Please honest opinions




  1. 98% of the Turks are Muslims, and most of them are good Muslims.

    Right after World War I the secularists took over the judiciary, the beaurocracy and the military.  The trio  then proceeded to persecute Islam.

    Initially, between 1920 to 1938, they needed to impose several martial laws to impose secularism.

    Since 1938 there have been four full blown martial laws, and one recognized "soft coup". On top of that there have been judicial coups, and party closures to contain and restrict Islam. So far 24 political parties have been banned.

    It is illegal in Turkey to wear Hijab in public buildings. 66% of women wear hijab. It is their taxes that pay for those buildings.

    All the martial laws and the awesome power of the state failed to root out Islam in Turkey. They had 80 years of absolute control.

    Those who are afraid of Islam, are still very afraid of Islam in Turkey.

    Hats off to the Muslims of Turkey!!!  

  2. Thats tooo big a generalisation Lol, also it's Gods place to judge not mine. =)

  3. No, its not a 'Muslim' country. Its a Secular country.

    Very few people in Turkey are practicing Muslim.

  4. Hello,

    Whilst 98% of the population are Muslims, Turkey has fought very hard over the last 80 years to remain as a secular state much like Mexico has done with respect to Catholicism so I certainly don't think of her as an Islamic theocracy.

    My only gripe about her was changing the name of Constantinople to Istanbul in 1930. I'm an old Roman buff and just wish the ancient cities could retain their original names even if the cultures and status quo changes.


    Michael Kelly  

  5. if one says their Muslim, than they are Muslim, if they pracitce Islam or not, Allah will decide where that person goes

    but apparently people in this section have the authority to judge who's Muslim and who's not

  6. unfortunately, i always felt it is more of a non muslim country with good muslim community there.

    it is secular state, i know some members of my family felt more of an easy wearing Hijab when at London rather than in Istanbul.

    many of people behavior is totally non-islamic. and as a government, i cannot say it is considering Islam as a priority, rather it is considering Europe as a priority. Of course, this new government is a bit better in that.

    strong military alliance with Israel.

    I don't know what's the percentage of turkish practicing Islam, but those community looks wonderful, with great habits (at least for me from far away as a visitor). I love the sound of athan in particular in two places: in Cairo and in Istanbul, it sounds great.

    On the other side, I always feel that Turkey, no matter what, will remain a main center for Islam. I feel that Saudi Arabia and Egypt are very important centers for Islam today. And Turkey is like a sleeping giant. One day it will return back strongly.

  7. of cours it is

    but ur army sucks , people there worship that ataturk guy, and force people to take off hijab and wear narrow clothes to look civilized as they claim!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i liked it this year back in Alanya... we went to a part of beach where the locals were going to, as well, and i enjoyed the fact that even families with mothers and aunts wearing headscarfs are letting their next generation swim in what they want in.. However we were told it is a negative influence of tourism and that the goverment moves  fundie families into the area to blend this freedom.

    I consider Turkey secular country with moderate islam believers.

    ONce again i have to admit that i have not been to rural areas there for a longer period of time to know the locals better. Maybe next time.

  9. I'm turkish too. And I don't wear hijab. Neither do any of my family members. I wear w/e I want. You don't have to dress a certain way to be Muslim. As long as your Muslim in your heart thats all that matters. It is a muslim country and I am proud of its secularism!

  10. i would consider turkey a muslim country but i think that hijab shouldnt be banned but shouldnt be obligated by the govt. either but i love turkey i have many turkish friends and for the most part i think its amazing

    edit: sarah thumbs up for you i agree with your answer

  11. Turkey is at a cross-roads. Turkey or at least some Turks will soon prove themselves to be Muslim. See Ezekiel 37, 38 and 39.

    Eze 38:2  "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him

    Eze 38:3  and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.

    Eze 38:4  And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords.

    Eze 38:5  Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all of them with shield and helmet;

    Eze 38:6  Gomer and all his hordes; Beth-togarmah from the uttermost parts of the north with all his hordes--many peoples are with you.


    Eze 38:13  Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all its leaders will say to you, 'Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to seize great spoil?'  

  12. Turkey is a secular country that is full of Muslims.  It is a bit unique in the Muslim world as most countries that are full of Muslims tend to be "Islamic states".  It is not unlike its European neighbors in that regard - the bulk of the people in Europe are Christians, but their countries are all secular.

    I've been to Turkey and although most women were dressed completely Western, there were women wearing head scarves.  It was during Ramadan, and I was in Istanbul.

    A national dress code is a little on the silly side... whether it be forbiding a head scarf or forcing women to be completely covered, it is pretty dumb.  I live in Saudi Arabia and more than a few women have run afoul of the law by leaving the house without being covered head to toe in black.

  13. I believe that Imaam Ibn Qudaamah rahimahullaah wrote of the criteria for an Islaamic state.

    The two, if I remember correctly, are:

    1. That at least 50% of the people are Muslim, and/or

    2. That the ruler is a Muslim person.

    As for the state of Turkey, from what I know just from reading - I have never visited the country - is that the Sunnah is not strong there and most of the people do not understand tawheed.

    But that doesn't mean they are not Muslim.  They are Muslim unless proven otherwise, it is best to make du'aa that people are guided to the straight path and away from that European secularism death trap.  Turkey is Muslim and even with all its errors I love them for the sake of Allaah.

  14. yes i consider ,

  15. exactly !!

    ther against islam for god sake !

    ur not alowed to wear hijab ther ..


    what we mean by a Muslim country ?

    a Muslim country where the majority of  the people r Muslims practicing Islam by them selves not by the law of that country

    So in this point of view Turkey is a Muslim country like Albania, Yaguslafia, & others

    BUT  according 2 ruling system Turkey is secular country. NOT an Islamic country

    this is  my opinion.      

  17. yes because no matter what the major religion in Turkey is Islam

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