
Would anyone help me raise money?? for rescue horses?

by  |  earlier

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The horses are on fattening farms in france ans are due for cruel live export to italy where they are slaughtered for meat, often salami!

My husband kids and i are awaiting 4 mares with foals at foot, and all in foal again. We will be keeping them to socialise them etc and then once up to standard will be selling the youngstock on. The mares, we'll see how they are, how broken or what work they need in all honesty it might be much more work with them...

We are asking people to sponsor, but also do things like hold a coffe morning and get the guests to bring a fiver, 10 friends £50.00 which if they wanted could buy a sponsorship package to see where their money is going monthly, or just as a donation and a copy of the newsletter....please help any suggestions of where to raise money woulf be gratefully recieved x




  1. I don't think this is the best place for you to raise funds. You need to contact the RSPCA, who can advise you further, and someone like Redwings (google) could help you too, with advise, information etc.

    Alternatively, contact your local vet for more info. He/she should be able to help you out with local contacts etc.

  2. someone somewhere will help

  3. Sorry I can't afford to buy a pair of boots even though mine are falling to bits. I think it's great you are doing something to save a few horses though...however you are buying these horses and they will just be replaced with more horses. You would be more effective if you campaigned to stop the trade in horse meat. I personally don't see the difference between horse, cow, sheep or snake meat. They all suffer the same.

    I think unless you manage to stop people eating meat, change the way meat is produced (ie intensive farming methods, battery hens, over feeding etc) then animals of all kinds suffer.

    "  Heifer whines could be human cries

    Closer comes the screaming knife

    This beautiful creature must die

    This beautiful creature must die

    A death for no reason

    And death for no reason is murder

    And the flesh you so fancifully fry

    Is not succulent, tasty or kind

    Its death for no reason

    And death for no reason is murder

    And the calf that you carve with a smile

    Is murder

    And the turkey you festively slice

    Is murder

    Do you know how animals die ?

    Kitchen aromas arent very homely

    Its not comforting, cheery or kind

    Its sizzling blood and the unholy stench

    Of murder

    Its not natural, normal or kind

    The flesh you so fancifully fry

    The meat in your mouth

    As you savour the flavour

    Of murder

    No, no, no, its murder

    No, no, no, its murder

    Oh ... and who hears when animals cry ?"

    Try contacting other horse rescues and asking for help.

  4. Fund Raising

    I did this for PMU foals here in Canada - it worked very well.

    It is called a Perpetual Fund

    Original DONATIONS are used to purchase these horses in need - they are sent to local FOSTER homes that you approve - there they recieve one on one and training - they are resold and the ORIGINAL $$ (that first donation) is returned to the "fund" to help the next horse - the foster home can charge more to cover some of their expenses.

    Your initial task is to rally and get the original donations - Horse people are more inclined to help if they see their $$ is being managed well, RE used , perhaps with updates/pics to show them the horses they have helped, there are some horse lovers that simply can not own a horse, but they have the $ to help - An on line egroup for both foster families and Donators will keep everyone up to date and informed


    And NO - you can't save every horse - but you CAN save some...I have 5 rescued horses that were on their way to slaughter...wouldn't trade them for anything.

  5. Let them go .  You can't save every horse.  If you do not have the funds to care for them you should not get them.  Trying to save them from slaughter may be a good intention, but  you will end up doing them a disservice if you can't properly care for them.  I could never eat horse meat...but I would rather see them on someones dinner plate instead of standing in a field starving to death because you can't feed them.  That would be the most cruel thing you can do to them.

  6. Well I know about this - I help care for 7 donkeys who came from the same place. In terms of fundraising, the most successful person I know of in raising money for these animals had done it by getting much local publicity - I suggest you ring your local paper and see if they will come, photograph your animals and do an article about you. Then maybe you can attract some interest in your area. There are quite a few animals here now distributed around the country, so your best bet is to collect money in your area rather than nationally.

    I will warn you though, knowing the condition of some of the animals that arrive - the youngsters are going to take more than a bit of socialisation - it may take you months before you can even handle them very much let alone be preparing to sell them. They have not been well treated and are untrusting of humans. You also need to think about whether they are quite likely to end up where they have just come from. Do follow the progress of some of the others to see what you are taking on.

    You could possibly set yourself up as a small charity as you seem to have space to care for them and attract more donations that way.

    I think that there is also a rescue forum somewhere on the web where these issues are discussed regularly by the UK rescuers. If you are rescuing through equinesection have a look there to see what's happening.

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