
Would anyone here be happy to be infertile?

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If I could trade bodies with an infertile woman who wants children, I would in a heartbeat. She'd deserve my eggs more than I would. Does anyone else feel this way?




  1. I have two children and am getting my tubes tied. I'm not infertile but can not survive another pregnancy, even though I did not want anymore children it was a huge blow to have it written in stone that I am not able to carry my own children anymore. I wish I could be happy about infertility but it feels like a failure on my part as a woman even though it is beyond my control.

    If you don't want children I guess it would be nice not to worry about getting pregnant but we some how always want what we cant have.

  2. I'm 32, and 10 or 12 years ago I felt as you did.  You may or may not change your mind.  I haven't fully changed mine, but I AM more flexible about the idea so I'm glad I still have the option.  If you're serious about it, do donate your eggs.

    May I just say, though, that I think your question is a bit insensitive to any women here who can't have children and really, really want them.  It's never easy to hear people be so dismissive of the thing you want most in the world and can't have.

  3. I wouldn't mind being infertile.

    I'm not having kids anyway.

  4. Being infertile for the next ten years would save me money on contraception...but not wanting children now (at age 20) doesn't mean I'll still not want children at say, age thirty - I wouldn't want to give up my fertility at such a young age in case I change my mind when I'm older and then I can't have babies if I want to.

    Don't make such a drastic decision at a young age. I know I might change as I get older, and accept that. So while I definitely don't want children right now, I'm willing to admit that I might in the future and don't want to jeopardise my chances. Just in case.  

  5. There's a good chance that I will be infertile when I get older, and it doesn't faze me a bit.  I'm kinda happy about it, because when I mention it, it shuts up those people who say "well, I'm sure you'll want/have kids when you're older".

  6. Yes.  This is why I had a tubal ligation.

  7. My family has a history of infertility and pregnancy complications, so I worry about it a lot because I'd like to have a big family one day. Infertility, for someone who would love to have children, is terrible, and definitely not something to be happy about. It's something I dread finding out.  

  8. I admit that when I had my hysterectomy, I felt a twinge of two of regret.  Not so much that I would never be a mother but because my choice had been taken away.  But for the most part I was thrilled and delighted I'd never have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy again.  Although I met more than a few people who felt sorry for me.  I ignored them.

    I also got a lot of "you'll change your mind" when I was young and said I didn't want kids.  Pay them no attention whatsoever.

    ETA:  Do consider donating your eggs.  You'll make someone else very happy, and some impressive cash for yourself.  You might have to wait until you're out of college, though.

  9. Yes, I'm banking on it. I am willing to sell my eggs, however, the mutterhals legacy must live on.

  10. Well, I don't know if I count, but I'm older, going on 36 in a couple of months, and I've got two kids. But I am extremely fertile, hubby and I have to be really careful, cause we are DONE, do NOT want anymore. So at this point in my life, I would trade in a heartbeat as well. She can get a lot of use out of my body that I'm not, and I would be very happy not to have to worry about it anymore (I don't like the idea of getting "fixed", I'm against altering my body).  

  11. it only makes sense, right Rio? you have no desire to bear children. yet there are many women out there who would give their left pinky finger to bear children.

    hey, i am almost twice your age and i STILL have no desire to ever have children. i guess i didnt change my mind did i?

  12. Not personally, but only because right now I'm not interested in becoming a parent. It's nice to know that the possibility is there, though.

  13. Yes, I probably would - but that doesn't mean I don't want children.  I have always felt, ever since I was little, that if I ever did want children, I would want to adopt.  

  14. Donate your ova, there's good money in it.

  15. You can have your tubes tied, if you wish.

    You're not really doing anyone a favor by announcing that you don't want kids.

    I don't think most people care.

  16. Personally .....No

  17. You know you can sell your eggs for lots of money. One of my Ex-Girlfriends got 6 thousand dollars for her eggs.

    But you have to be attractive if you want that type of money. Aside from the money, you can help other women.

    Sell your eggs RIO!

  18. Yes!! I wish I was infertile because I don't want children, want a great love life but I don't like taking hormonal contraception.

    I asked to have my tubes tied but they said that being under 30 with no children they wouldn't even consider it.  

  19. I'm infertile by choice - had a tubal.  I'm thrilled that I don't have to worry about BC anymore and don't have to be paranoid every month.

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