
Would anyone join me for a protest against high gas prices???

by  |  earlier

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i swear if a gallon of gas reaches 4$ a thinking of protesting......ive never been in a protest so how can i start one?Im also shy so i dont think i could be the leader..and can i do it at a gas station at 2 intersections??oh itll be somewhere in corpus christi,texas if anyone wants to join




  1. A lot of our current gasoline costs are caused by a disruption in the supply. That is the Iraq War. General Paul Kern of the Army Material Command allowed that the taxpayers are paying $300.00 per gallon for fuel for trucks, tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, bulldozers, ect. and they use HUGE AMOUNTS of it in Iraq.

    If you'd like to be better informed about this waste of fuel that we are paying for, google "The Green Zone: The Military's Addiction to Oil"

  2. If not sarcasm could suggest another method. Non Proliferation Agreement of Oil Based cars between nations.

    Less use less cost. Fewer cars less cost.

  3. It's been done numerous times over the last 8 years and absolutely no effect whatsoever.  The price is determined by the investors buying on futures stocks.  Until the investors stop buying at such high prices, it will not go down.

  4. Remember, price is determined by supply and demand.

    Oh, yeah, and greed!

  5. Nope. Keep thinking about the causes and effects of people not being able to afford gas...

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