
Would anyone like for me to ask any paranormal questions on Hot ParaTalk's Radioshow?

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On tonights show we are having a Debate tonight; Non-Believers vs. Paranormal believers. So if you have a question send it to me here, and I will ask it for you!




  1. IF someone had documents from the Department of the Army.  Who also had access to the Cold War's Department of Developement and Research for Medical.  And this person worked for the Army as a 'Remote Viewer' and as an Avionics Technician between 1986 and 1988.  What should this person do today,  inorder to finde compensation for an illness caused by 'Black Ops?"

  2. ? for skeptic: Is the thought of a ghost, spirits, or any paranormal occurance frightening to you and you feel safer thinking it isnt real?

  3. It would help if I knew what side of the fence you are on...are you a believer or no?  

    Anyhow, I have a couple of questions to ask, that could be asked of either side of the debate.

    To the skeptic:  If you are so assured that there is no such thing as paranormal activity, ghost or spirits why do you try to disprove them?

    To the believer: Do you actively try to prove to non believers that these things do exist?

  4. I would ask a believer why every anomaly is seen as evidence of a ghostly presence (i.e. temperature readings, EMFs, orbs, etc.)

  5. I was a skeptic for many years, then my parents passed from natural causes and the 'visits' started. I never saw them, it was always a distinct feeling of one or the others' presence. Usually I would say out loud: "hi, dad, I can't see nor hear you, but I can tell you're near", then fill them in on news, I'm okay, thanks for visiting, etc. After a few minutes, the 'feeling' would fade, but I would stay quiet in case there was some sort of message. Once a hardbound book slid off a high bookcase and landed in the middle of the floor about 5 feet from the case. The book had been given to me by my parents a couple of years before, and had their good wishes inscribed in it. It doesn't take too much to make a believer after that!

    The visits stopped after a year, but no worries--I'm happy that they are okay.

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