
Would anyone like this clothing line?

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I am looking to start a clothing line somewhat like Affliction and Ed Hardy, along those lines. It will tie in things from the mafia, old english knights, and whatnot. Does anyone think this is a good idea. Or have any suggestions for themes that could be included in my line. Thanks




  1.   find a way to lower the price.  Affliction, Ed Hardy, Roar, all those brands are so expensive.  like, i LOVE the artwork on them, and would  buy them regularly if i could afford to, but im planning for a wedding and buying furniture for an apartment, i dont really have room to splurge on a $70 t shirt, ya know?  so if you can do good kick *** designs for less than the other guys, then yeah rock out with your bad self

  2. im a girly girl .  

  3. i like girly stuff so i woulndt like it sorry

  4. fashion is an opinion so some people would love it and others would hate it in the end all that matters is you liking the product u put out

  5. I think it's a really neat idea to create a clothing line, but make sure you have a variety. (I'm not saying you're doing this but...) Try to add some girly things, tom-boyish things, and things for everybody. I think this would appeal to more people! I hope this helped! :)

  6. Ed hardy has  many asian inspired  pieces in their clothing.

    how is the "mafia" and old english knights going to make people buy your clothing?

    I'm saying clothing inspired by the mafia may or WILL be offensive to many other cultures.

    Also, i hate ed hardy, the price is really too much for  teens to wear and i hate fake rhinestones that always fall off.  

  7. umm.. exactly how would you do that? Old English knights? Really what are you gonna do? Design armour?  

  8. ew, i hate ed hardy just a bunch of tacky prints ....

  9. lol, Viet.  

    Yah, that would be totally awesome in my oppinion.  Maybe some leathery stuff, not real though, thats soooo wrong.  and ew.  not goth.  ew.  

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