
Would anyone like to play Yahoo! Fantasy Golf?

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JOIN The World Golf Tour 2007...Great 20 team league with 10 members, so far...As an extra feature of this league, the

top 10 teams each week will earn phantom dollars according to the following schedule:

Total purse $1.2 Million

1st $500,000

2nd $250,000

3rd $125,000

4th $100,000

5th $75,000

6th $50,000

7th $40,000

8th $30,000

9th $20,000

10th $10,000

Earnings will be tallied each week on the league message board for the week and for the season by the Commissioner of the League. If you are an active player, please join. Also, Please keep the team names positive and PLEASE pass on the league ID and password to friends and league compatriots...To join, follow the link below the League ID and Password below, create your team, and then select "Join Existing Private League." Just type in the League ID and Password, click join league and you are in. Here is the information for joining:

League ID: 560

Password: PGAworld





  1. I must say that you certainly pump the heck out of this. It's the 15th time you've posted this question. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that there is something in this for you.

    Enough already!

  2. HELLO... Interesting league. Any cash prizes???

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This question has 2 answers.


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