
Would anyone like to try to explain this quote?

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My brother just emailed me this quote.. it's for his homework.

“Primacy of citizenship education centered on American sovereignty runs counter to the internationalist, social studies multicultural dogma.” In addition, Saxe also said that “a state curriculum that posits international human rights doctrines and seek to foster and promote a global identity as superior to our constitutional obligation is patently wrong for American public school.” Saxe expanded his main idea by saying that “In sum, social studies-multiculturalism is not consistent with Nationalism and American sovereignty. “ The author also added to his main idea that “social studies-multiculturalism pits citizen against citizen by the most base characteristics: race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation... one people holds no place for hyphenated citizens.” The author finally concludes his main idea by stated that “The Constitution embraced factional interests as a strength, not a weakness. The founders envisioned a continental power of many people with many diverse interests,” and “American citizenship education should instill patriotism as job one, and such instruction should be the same in peace as in war.”




  1. Some people put a whole bunch of words together to try and sound sooooo smart that noone else understands what their saying. So really they are just as dumb as the rest of us! :D

  2. WHAT?!!!!! sorry Ineed quotes in english! not to be mean but what?

  3. ahhh i cant read that much.....sorry

  4. to the point- the author  is basically against the new global world order and is promoting the fact that American interest and constitution should come first.

  5. WOW!

    Whoever said this this quote is an idiot! Only dumb people communicate with others in a way they don't understand.

  6. what the heck?!?

  7. It means that you can't put your own interests first, and those of others as well. Specifically, either the United States will pass laws which protect the interests of its people, or it will pass laws which are grounded in protecting the interests of other nations. These two interests do not always conflict, but they often do.

  8. billy bob joe jr. III

  9. The author, or Saxe whom he quotes, believes that multi-culturalism, internationalism and global identity are unAmerican and unpatriotic. He clearly thinks that patriotism is a good thing and the goal of public education and the intent of the Founding Fathers of the American Republic.

    I think he's right and the "liberal" idea that one should be first a "citizen of the world" is antithetical to the things that make America great. The concept that should be set in opposition to this multi-cultural idea of world citizenship first, is American Exceptionalism. The America experience is different from all others and it has been uniquely successful so that it makes it a privilege and blessing to be a citizen of the United States. Anyone who thinks and says otherwise is essential disloyal and unwise from the American viewpoint.

  10. thats long.....

    im not gonna read it all just to help ur bro...

    he should do his own homework

  11. The opening sentence states that in America citizenship education focuses on the idea of American supremacy.  This is contrary to other countries which teach multi cultural ideals.  Contrasts are drawn between American views and the views of others.

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