
Would anyone recommend a Aiptek camcorder?

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I'm looking to get a cheaper camcorder because to be honest I'm probably not going to use it as much as I think I would. I'm looking at the Aiptek brand and wanted to know if it was descent. Or if you would recommend another brand let me know.




  1. Well, take a look at this.

    Aiptek isn't really for 'Quality-Video', it's more for palm-sized 'Point and Shoot' video capture.

    Usually when you are just hanging out with your friends, you can take the Aiptek Palm-Sized camcorder in your pocket and if something special happens; 'e.g.: A plane crashes, an elephant is on the loose, someone random does tricks and Stunts'; then you can slip it out, open the LCD screen and shoot the video.

    But if you are after quality, then don't take Aiptek, even if you take the Full HD ones which cost around 300 dollars, then you can only watch o.k. quality on your PC or Laptop, but not on a screen.

    This question does depend on what you call 'cheap'.

    I'd highly recommend the Canon MD160.

    Good quality and less than 300 dollars....

    This one won't fail on you and you will undoubtly be highly impressed by it's performance.

    It's a MiniDV based-model with a 1 Full-CCD and the Carl Zeiss, which is first position for a lens at the moment.

    It also uses 12k-pix effective resolution which is really high for it's demanding price.

    You won't find a better one for this price, trust me, well defenitly not without struggling a span!!

    Hope this helps.

  2. Well, it seems Tom forgot one thing...  as long as the camcorder owner is happy with the video from the camera, who cares how great or accurate the video format is?  You pick the camcorder to match your needs - not the other way around.

    Even professional camcorders manipulate or interpolate their video in one way or another to produce HD quality resolution from a non HD image sensor.  Our profesional Sony cameras create an HD 2.16mp (1920x1080) image from an imager sensor that can only see SD 1.12mp .

    Aiptek cameras may not be top of the line, but they are not designed for exact film-like reproduction for professional needs.  If you need a general home video camera or something pocket sized that records a decent video, there are two Aiptek cameras that may interest you:  the HDV21X and the A-HD+ .  Both record HD quality video.  The A-HD+ is the better model, and both are available for $150 online at places like Amazon.  Either one would be a great choice for your needs.

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