
Would anyone support a £10 increase in congestion charge?

by  |  earlier

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hear me out on this one... i hate it as much as the next man, but right now it's just a tax: everyone still drives into London and all that happens is we pay £8 for the prvilege. at least if they whacked it up to £18 it might do what it was intended to do and cut down the traffic, no?




  1. It wouldn't make a sufficient change to justify the additional cost.

    They need to remove the western extension as this allows some of the wealthiest areas of London to get massive discounts and improve the public transport.

    With a decent alternative then people would leave the cars behind. Eg cheaper nd more efficient than cars.

    There is a consideration for cars over 225g carbon rating to be charged £25 per day. This then makes it an environmental charge not a congestion charge.

  2. Sooner or later it'll happen.

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