
Would anyone use or contribute to a database detailing FIA penalties?

by  |  earlier

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I'm working on a simple site that lets people view FIA penalties and incidents that were investigated or could have been investigate by the governing body of F1.

Would anyone find this information interesting and/or be willing to contribute to it? I'd ideally like to add historic information going back over the years but it's a lot of work for one person.

I've put a link to the prototype of the site below, but if it is of interest to enough people I will get a proper domain name etc sorted.





  1. Rosbif would be the one who could help with that, and Dan and Julian:)

    I'd certainly use it though I have the memory of a goldfish so not good enough to add details unless they are fresh

    Edit: Heads.... what did the goldfish say when he headbutted a wall?


    (one of my son's)

  2. .

    Yes. I would.

    Perhaps trying to stick to championship changing decisions  at first and gradually working through the incidental penalties.

    I think it would make for some interesting reading, but i wouldn't be able to help either cos i'm related to Val...

    bob     bob      bob


  3. I checked out your website. Interesting idea. I agree it's a mammoth task for one person, especially if you have to include every single "speeding in the pitlane" penalty.

    I suppose it would be easier if you just concentrate on the more significant or controversial penalties. People would be more interested in reading those rather than the boring speeding in the pitlane. What constitutes significant and controversial is opened to debate and interpretation, however.

    The ones that are still fresh in my memory and also controversial are

    McLaren spy-saga

    BMW and Williams' "cool fuel" in Brazil 2007

    Alonso blocking Massa during Quali in Monza 2006

    Rascasse gate

    Just ask rosbif

  4. Max Moseley is an expert on ze punishment

  5. This is a brilliant idea :D I'm currently rummaging through me memory banks to find incidents this year at least.. other than the famous ones lol

    To Val: thanks for the name check lol I haven't been on here for ages :P glad to see I'm still known lol

  6. Wow! This would be really good and the FIA might just thank you for it. And it's a good reference point for fans who might want to look something out. I might contribute if I recall anything. I can only remember incidents but not when they occured. (darn....) but I believe that rosbif can help here

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