
Would anything bad happen to me if I had a glass of wine?

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I am on valium for anxiety at the moment -started taking it yesterday. I am on a low dosage- 2mg up to three times a day, currently taking it 3 times a day!

I would really like to have a couple of glasses of wine- I like to have a drink in the evening. on the box it says to avoid alcohol. I have looked up on the internet as to what might happen if someone on valium drank alcohol but the only sites that come up are ones offering me online valium!

please could someone advise as to what might happen if I had just a little drink?!




  1. Don't risk it, there's no point. Get non-alcoholic stuff if you want the taste.

  2. You could drink if you want, however its really not recommended. The warnings on the labels of medicine are there because something bad COULD happen. You are on a low enough dosage that it would make you light headed, dizzy, sleepy, or make you feel "stoned". I would suggest not drinking on it until your dosage is cut in half. Your body could is getting used to being on this medicine and alcohol could confuse your body. I would not drink for awhile.

  3. People who mix drugs and booze always lose


    Fatalities have been reported in patients who have overdosed with a single benzodiazepine, such as Valium, and alcohol, although the blood alcohol levels in some of these patients was lower than those usually associated with alcohol-induced fatality. In other words, alcohol and benzodiazepines is a potentially fatal combination. Again, immediate medical attention is required if this ingestion of this combination is suspected.

  5. You go ahead and enjoy that glass of wine. You may notice that it makes you a little drowsy, but that's all.

    Oh for gods sake, she is talking about a glass of wine not a bottle of vodka.

    If the order you have is for "up to" 3 times a day then you can take the 2 doses at the regular time and not take the evening one when you want to have a drink. It isn't going to kill you.

    Obviously some of these people rely strictly on the internet for their info, and it isn't always right.

  6. People who drink alcohol while taking Valium may be at a higher risk of developing certain Valium side effects, such as memory problems, unusual behavior, and drowsiness. Also, when alcohol and Valium are combined, a person may be more sensitive than usual to the effects of the alcohol. Due to these risks, it is generally recommended that you not drink alcohol while taking Valium.

    Both alcohol and Valium® (diazepam) are central nervous system depressants (CNS depressants), which means they both can slow down brain activity. Drinking alcohol while taking Valium may increase your risk of serious reactions. This is why, according to the Valium prescribing information, drinking alcohol while on Valium is not recommended. Additionally, for many people with mental illness, it is usually recommended that alcohol be avoided.

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