
Would anything be different in 80 or so years if for some reason, global warming was put to an end?

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Would anything be different in 80 or so years if for some reason, global warming was put to an end?




  1. Change is the only constant

  2. I would like to stop propagating this scam . The oil Co. just use it for another chance to raise prices. It will eventually put us in a very bad depression,and then sense the oil Co. have all the money, there will be no body able to buy oil.

  3. Yes, the world would be cooler and most of the effects of global warming would be lessened.

  4. There are a lot of disasters that can happen. If a meteor smashed into Earth, a lot would change. Also, global warming isn't the only manmade problem. We make deserts and make current ones larger by poor farming practices, etc.

  5. Heck, things won't be any different even if it continues.

  6. with the present trends , in 80 years at each streetcornerther will be ereted a minaret; allill have to rise at 4 am with the sound of Azans(call to prayers); snacks-kentucky, McDonals ,Hungry Jack and Nandoowill cease operations during the day-fating season for 40 days; demand for white clothes will increase considerably and mad cow disease put under severe control; harems will increase;no bottle shop any where and so on-We think so that In that period Al Queda will have taken the world under its control and possibly HALTED  any decline at climate-Allah will have heard their calls.

  7. there would be NOTHING different from today, from yesterday in 80 years. there would just be one less tax you would have to pay.

  8. Global warming will end eventually. Its just a matter of how long the warming will last, and what temperature it gets to. After a certain point (probably triggered by sun cycles), the world will start to head back into an ice age.

    If the world gets as warm as its predicted to get, cooling will be a very good thing. It'll tame spreading diseases, possibly bring about more predictable precipitation patterns, among other things. However, we'd have to act fast to prepare outselves for an ice age. It'll possibly be mankind's greatest test, depending on how severe it is.

    Don't forget though that global climate change is one of many issues current in the world today, many of which are close to killing us out.

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