
Would avoid taking your baby somewhere if you knew, beforehand, that someone there was sick

by  |  earlier

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For example, a family reunion, a get-together w/ friends you haven't seen in a while, etc.




  1. It would really depend on the age of the child, and how sick the other person was. It's really up to you, kids will get sick no matter what.

  2. If it was just a cold, then no, I'd still go, but attempt to keep my son away from the sick person.  Especially to a family reunion or something like that, I'd do everything I possibly could to make sure my family got to see my son.  :)

  3. Yes. I have missed going places because I knew someone there was sick. There is nothing worse than your baby being sick, and I try to avoid it even if that means missing out on a get-together.

  4. It depends on how sick they are. I have been sick several times and my son has never caught anything. If you wash your hands regularly and are careful, you don't have much to worry about. If anything, bring hand sanitizer if they want to hold the baby.

  5. i really dont want to scare you, but my opinion is no.. based on personal experience.

    My mother in law had what everyone assumed was a cold. I took my then 9wk old to her house for a visit... she didnt hold him, nor get too close.

    My son caught whooping cough off her. He was hospitalised, on every machine u can think of and we nearly lost him. More than once.

    For a year after he was on steroids and inhalers because his lungs had to heal properly.

    He now has learning difficulties directly due to the lack of oxygen, his peers tease him because he doesn't understand a lot.

    We are still struggling with this over 7.5 years later, he will be kept down a grade in school this year, all because of one choice...

    Do what you feel is right, as i said my opinion is only based on personal experience

  6. It depends on how sick they are.  If it is just a cold, I would probably go anyway and keep the baby away from them.  Most people stay away from small children when they know they are sick.  Since you obviously know who the person is, keep clear.  If I found out someone had a stomach virus or a fever, I would stay home.  

  7. yes. i have 2 kids. my sister has 4. all 4 of her kids had strep throat and impetego and since she lives with my parents i was unable to take my kids there to visit with their great grandmother. we havent seen her in months.

    it really depends on what the plans are and what sickness it is. if it is a family reunion and someone just has a cold then i would go. just take some hand sanitizer with you. make sure your kids wash their hands often.

  8. It depends on the circumstances.

    I haven't always avoided sick people but right now I probably would because I just don't have the energy or patience to take care of sick kids right now.

    I'm pregnant and exhausted.

  9. I feel that children need to be exposed to illness. . .that is how they develop their immune system.  I was never a huge stickler that people HAD to wash their hands or sterlize them every time before holding them, I know that I didn't every time.  Both of my kids are developing fine.  I would not expose my kids to anything that I would not want to expose myself to.  Kids get sick!!  

  10. If you were going to someones house who is sick... but if you are going to a park or a huge building or someplace where you do not have to be face to face with the sick person...I would take the baby.  

    You can do the best to protect your baby...but between now and the time they are two they will have appox. 14 colds!  We are going to have to wipe alot of runny noses!

  11. It depends on the age of the baby for me. If he's under 4 months old I'm not taking him anywhere that I know would expose him to being sick.  

  12. It would depend on how old the baby was. If it was a newborn I definitely would not go. If it was a 6 month old or above I would probably attend, just because if a 6 month old gets sick it's much easier and less life-threatning than a newborn getting sick.

  13. It depends on the situation.

    For a family reunion I would think there is plenty of space away from the affected person.

    In someones elses private home... I would probably avoid.  

  14. It doesn't matter how careful you are, they are going to get sick.

    When my son was a newborn, I was very careful about germs and made sure that everyone washed their hands before going near him. I wouldn't allow anyone with the sniffles to walk through my door and I hated going out in public with him. But he is older now and he has had a handful of colds. The more he has the quicker he gets over them.

    I would probably have done what you did, bring him but try and keep my distance. But, you can't (unfortunately) keep them in a bubble.

    Sorry your boys are sick. I hope they feel better soon! :-(

  15. yeah i wouldnt take them ... ive actually not taken my daughter places becasuei knew someone was sick

  16. it depends on where you are going. if its something really big with the family or extremely important i would take my son. just make sure everyone trys to wash there hands and don't let the person who is sick kiss all over them and etc.  

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