
Would-be pioneers - what do we need to get Green-Living started globally?

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A working model?

The backing of media and government?

Cohilition of Parties?




  1. There is no one easy solution, in addition to the ones that you have already listed, education stands out as necessary.


    but what will overcome vested interests? they love money, so what will affect them most will be more economic shocks like the recent run on oil.

  3. We need to fund some shithot Bioresearchers, to genetically splice our red bloodcells with chlorophyll. Then we could get all our nourishment from sunlight, and, as a added bonus, we could photosynthesise CO2 ( A popular greenhouse gas ) into Oxygen. This means we could chop down more trees, with no noticable effect on breathable air.

    Of course, everyone would be Green, but that would be a good thing, cos we wouldn't know which colour people to hate anymore.

    But Hayfever might skyrocket, due to the increased pollen count.

  4. A realistic understanding o f technology--which the majority of "green living" advocates sadly lack.

    I'm not attacking you--I think green living, per se, is great.  But start using some common sense.

    First ofall--the whole focus is on "reducing energy use, etc.).  Why?  I mean that seriously.  If (rather, when) we have solar and wind power generally available at affordable prices (and that's almost here) we will have access to MORE energy than we have now--completly zero environmental impact.

    I'm no tsuggesting more efficient systems aren't a good idea. They are--waste is simply stupid. And expensive, no matter what technology you use.

    But get off the "we have to do without" kick> THAT is the main reason no one is  listening to you. We are headed toward the era of abundant energy--not scaricty.

    So--if you want to develop a model, here's the basic parameters:

    a) low impact resource utilization (which means MORE reliance on plastic,  not less. Produced properly it is recyclable and much less damaging to theenvironment than smelting metal or most other extraction/refining processes.

    2) efficiency, not a focus on doing without. CFLs are the perfect example: very efficient, save money, and are good for the environment--with no sacrifice of living standards. You can convince people to buy a better light bulb. You will never sel themon the virues of siting in the dark.

    3) Recognize that we are headed for an age where MORE, not less energy will be available--and start developing your specific pans and strategies accordingly.

    I kndw-this flies in the face of all we "know" about being "green."  Check it out though--you will see I'm right.

    Oh--one more point (on the plastic issue)::  Using plastic doesn't hurt the environment (as long as you dispose of it or recycle it). And is much better as it's produced. I'm not saying go ahead and keep carrying/packaging everything in plastic--that's stupid.  And expensive (30% of the cost of what you buy in grocery stores is for the packaging).  

    But the flip side:  Give me a high-temp resistant plastic artifact any day o the week over aluminum, steel, copper,etc. Have you got any idea howmuch coal gets burned to make those metals?  You are better off using plastic and then burning it--you put less CO2 in the air that way.

    So start understanding the technology--and the changes that are in the works.

    Then you will be ready to START planning.

  5. Addressing green living globally is a tall order.  I feel that it is best starting off locally, educating people in sustainable living and reinstating localisation.  The government seem to follow where the little people lead (eventually) so looking at starting up Transition towns is the best place to start and spreading the word.

  6. it doesn't mean that if you're given the chance to speak it doesn't mean you're give the chance to be heard.

    you can;t convince everyone UNLESS, they themselves have exprienced the impacts of their stupidity.

    only when the last fish caught, last tree cut, only then will they realize they can;t eat money.

    but i hope its not too late

  7. you need to start with you. leadership they say is by example. visit cheers.

  8. We should adopt the Soviet model of Communism.

    They lived "green" in that they had nothing and were forced to grow what little food they could. No TV's, no cars, no AC, no jobs...paradise!

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