
Would be poor manners or ok for me to call a hostess of a party, and is it ALRITE TO BRING MY DT?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Sorry I do not know what a DT is, but I think if you call and explain your situation with your eyesight then it should be okay. I think as long as you explain it wouldn't be rude.  

  2. do whateva that mudda trucka iz there for pushing around di fool.

    no bad mannas

  3. Calling the hostess if you plan to bring an additional guest is the correct thing to do. Do not bring someone you have not asked about.

    No clue what a "DT" is.

  4. Do you not know the hostess well? Is that why you are asking? If there is an RSVP number on your invite, by all means, give her a call and explain the situation.  Your invite is for just you? Not you plus one? It would be BAD manners to show up with an uninvited person as the hostess has probably planned her menu, hor d'oeuvres and drink menu carefully. Give her a call.  

  5. If you call and explain that you will need someone to drive you, I'm sure that it would be fine. I would just make sure to call - you never know, people may have favors or something else for their event, as they have expected a certain number of people. You don't want your "DT" (whatever that is) to feel bad or feel like they're imposing because you didn't call the hostess. So, bottom line: just call and let him/her know.  

  6. You can call your hostess any time you want.  It would be a good idea to have a reason to call since she may be busy and not want to just chat.  "DT" means delirium tremens.  Dolphin treats.  Devil's triangle.  Date trifle.  Double trouble.  Dental tartar.  Diet tray.  Dog toy.  Dish towel.  Dirty t-shirts.  I could go on but the chicken's ready.

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