
Would be possible for me to ask back the taxes I've been paying here in the UK once I leave the job?

by Guest66786  |  earlier

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Who should I ask then? My company or the tax office of the city where I am living? What is the exact name of the office? And since I am leaving at the end of July when should I begin ask the money back?




  1. just go, theres too many like you draining our country. What do you think you paid your taxes for, Living here of course

  2. no

  3. In short, no, you can't ask for it back, it's a tax, and everyone who works pays for it. If you could ask for it back no one would stay in a job longer than 6 months!

  4. that's neat i didn't know you can ask for them back, i am in the u.s.

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