
Would being on Y!A all day and not finding a job be in violation of my terms of probation?

by  |  earlier

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Good, you followed. I needed a new stalker...the old one sucks.




  1. I'm spending more time on this Yahoo Answers than working and if I don't reverse this trend, I'm going to be finding myself at the Unemployment Office.  

  2. Are you on probation for molesting your boss or is it higher up then that ???  I thought this was actually court mandated punishment, being allowed to post on Y/A !

  3. Ahh, s***w 'em. I'll send you some cigarettes in jail.

  4. rofl!

    If probation REQUIRES you to find a job, and you don't do so, that is a violation.  I doubt that they care as much as what you do, as they care about what you DIDN'T do.

    Now, if you are on answers, prove you are a capable and intelligent person, someone here might email you and offer you a job online. I wouldn't count on that.  

  5. What are you on probation for, Isa?  Hm.  I just added you as a contact but now I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into.  Have you been bad?

    Besides, I thought you asking and answering questions here, making you a "Y!A Information Specialist" was a job.  I'll pay you for BA's.

  6. Yes.  I will have to lock you up.  

  7. probs no but who cares ,all i know is i'd give ye a shag,hows that for flattery ?

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