
Would broccoli make a good wepon?

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well would it........i need a wepon to defend the vegie nation




  1. Use a rutabaga instead.  Much harder surface and since it can be the size of a baseball, it's much easier to throw.

    Whatever vegetable you use, make sure you burn some first so you can get that good chemical smell going.

  2. You can take my broccoli when you pry it from my cold, dead fork.

  3. Dip it lead. That should

  4. i still love broccoli

  5. I thought you would at least ban chemical and biological weapons. Having broccoli in your arsenal may cause too much concern for your neighbors.

  6. Would that be anything like the Dana Carvey song on SNL called "Chopping Broccoli?"

  7. Spinnach is pretty good. Sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower too. I'm not a vegetarian though. Poor little chlorophyll.

  8. Nice one, now we are giong to have BROCCOLI CONTROL.

  9. Buy loads of purple sprouting brocoli and leave it in the car on ahot hot day windows shut for ohh at least 3 hours.

    Then pick the children up from school and watch them change into a nice shade of green  .... very funnny

    accidentally happened last week - have told them to behave or the same will happen again... works a treat

  10. what? no it wouldn't because the people could stab it with a fork.

  11. It's too Bushy

  12. I suppose the fumes from cooking broccoli could be considered a chemical weapon.  Perhaps the Ambassador of Asparagus could provide more details, after consultation with the Minister of Mustard Greens...

  13. have you ever watched the powerpuff girls we would eat them all and kill them

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