
Would burning your own garbage in your back yard be better for the environment?

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Would burning your own garbage in your back yard be better for the environment?




  1. Ah, the good old days. When I was a kid everyone had a burn barrel in their yard and used it almost daily. And the rest of the trash, bottles and cans, you just loaded it in your trunk and dumped it in a ditch somewhere. Until the sixties this was how most rural folks did it and didn't bat an eye, I can still remember both from my childhood.

    People are right though, modern trash contains way too many toxins that casual back yard burning would release into the air. And paper should be recycled and used again, not burned.

  2. NO .. BUT you can sift and bury that which is good for the soil

  3. Heat is a primary way to alter chemical compounds. When something is heated to a high enough temperature, solids will convert to liquids, then gasses. Most modern consumables contain chemicals that can be toxic, even fatal, when released by change to their basic structure.

  4. NO, pollution much.

  5. well i think it would bad because the acid from the garbage can kill plants and the smoke isn't very safe when burning first of call there is a chance u should get knocked out and the ozone layer would suffer with this type of thing. i also heard there is a new law against that because you re no the first to want to try that. i work at a environmental museum if you ever need any questions answered go to to the environment

  6. My friends and I burn all manner of combustable garbage in our burn barrels.

  7. Burning Garbage is very Danger for Air Pollution and also danger for Environment.

    Send all garbage for Recyling. only

    1.If you burn Plastic/tyres/Thermocol it will spoil Air Pollution

    2.Send other items for Recycling can make Garden waste into a Manure.

    4. If it is Vegitable waste, please feed to Cow or Cattle feeds.


  8. That would very much depend on what garbage you'd be burning.  Burning organics like leaves and wood isn't bad but composting is probably a better choice.  There are some things (like plastics) which are better recycled because they release poisionous fumes when burned.

  9. try it and somebody's gonna sue you.

    burning contributes much to carbon emission, pollutes the environment , make us prone to lung ailments.

  10. The short answer is No.

    The long answer begins with "Better than what?"

    Better than having the trash incinerated at a central incinerator?   Certainly not.  A regional incinerator will have lots of equipment on it to reduce particulate emissions (smoke) and heavy metal emissions (like mercury and lead) and dioxins & furans (other nasties).  Your backyard fire will have none of these, and so will put much much more pollution into the air (per lbs of garbage) than the regional incinerator will.

    Better than putting the trash into the ground?  Almost certainly not.   Landfills are carefully regulated, with liners that prevent pollutants from entering the water supply.  

    In general, any unregulated way of disposing of trash is going to be worse for the environment then any method that is regulated.

    Good question.

  11. almost everything can be recycled and thats better then letting the dump take it or you burning it.

  12. Depends what you are burning but probably not.  Lots of trash contains plastic and thats bad for the environment to burn it.  Places that do burn trash have lots of filters to avoid pollution.

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