
Would business be a good major for someone with a lot of tattoos? ?

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i wanted to go to college for business management but i have alot of tattoos and i dont know what ppl will think about me. i mean i just wanted to have my own boutique but i love tattoos so i just wanted to know what ppl think?




  1. Sounds as if you will need to open your own tattoo parlor. In the Corporate world, tattoos are not acceptable.

  2. As long as you can cover what you have there is no problem working anywhere.  If you cannot cover them, you will be restricted to non-professional jobs, such as construction or working in a tattoo parlor  

  3. It can be and people shouldn't judge you because of tattoos

  4. People will think what they think.  You didn't care when you got your tats why care now?  

    Go to school, take business and accounting courses and if any one gives you a hard time tell them that their jobs and Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are safe, you're not going to apply there.

    As far as what people think..  there are places where you would not get hired, even if you were first in your class, straight A's.  There are plenty of jobs where appearance is important and where you have to look and dress a certain way.  

    On the other hand what is my chance of getting hired in a tattoo parlor if I had no tattoos and came for the interview in a suit and tie.  Our world is a collection of many mini worlds.  Sometimes they intertwine, thats when it gets fun.

  5. You could succeed in that career;

    If you can cover your tats.

    In collage it should be fine, but watch out in the future.

  6. It's understood that tats are a personal expression and while they can beautifully done, the problem is mainstream public doesn't share your enthusiasm for them.

    There is a stigma attached to tats that makes for a difficult time in getting employment in areas where you are exposed daily and are the first person they see when they enter the business.

    Given the fact that it is a competitive market when you are seeking employment, any edge you have can increase your odds of getting the job.

    If you have something that is as obvious as a tat of a butterfly on your hand and a moose on your bicep, your chances are going to be lowered if someone else equally qualified with a clean arm applies.  And sometimes they'll pick the one that may not be as qualifed, too.

    So, granted, there may be some jobs out there that it won't make any difference, but mainstream businesspeople don't want that image.

  7. on the business side of things, so long as you are careful and can cover the tattoos up (long sleeved shirts, pants, etc) you can still present yourself professionally. when in the boutique, many customers like a person with personality and that are unique... so it could be successful for you. it will depend on the type of business route you go on.  

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