
Would businesses be willing to charge EV's?

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I think some would, the cost wouldn't necessarily be a lot. My company supplies coffee, and I think that's less expensive than the energy than I use getting to work and back.

I can easily see companies like Google letting EV drivers plug in. What do you think about companies letting employees plug in?




  1. Yeah it happened.  Lots of businesses installed free EV chargers in the 1990s.  Some of them are still there.

    These were high-power chargers intended for the factory EVs that were built and leased in the 1990s (and then recalled and destroyed).  So they don't work with the thousands of homebrew EVs on the road today.

  2. Well there are things you can do to help reduce the amount of harm you are causing the enviroment, you can do this by offsetting your carbon on websites such as; . On these sites you are able to prevent climate change by funding ethical reforestation projects. I personally found that was the best site for this because of their strong relationships with other non-profit organizations. This site also offers a way to offset your business so you do not harm the enviroment

  3. Businesses allow their employees to, for example at my desk, plug in my radio and my coffee pot.  Charging my car at work for 3 hours to make it home wouldn't cost a cent more than these 2x 'appliances' do every day.


  4. Google just announced that their office building has solar panels all over the roof and carports covered with solar panels. Employees can recharge elec cars while they work.

    they reduced the total elec bill for the building by 30% -

    that's BIG - when you consider the size of the building.

  5. all the plugged in cars also provide a good UPS and businesses pay a fortune for that -

    a real ev, like the tesla, with a range of 200miles, when the average communte is probably 10, have a lot of spare capacity to share around.

  6. Maybe two or three, but unlimited.  Are you kidding.  

    Do you have any idea how large the electric bill of a business is?  Yeah, they'll let you plug in, and take it out of your pay.

    Business is in the business of making money.  So they'll have to make up that money somehow.  The energy required to run the coffee pot is nothing compared to charging an entire fleet of electric cars.

    You might as well ask, would a business pay my electric bill at home... it's not that much money is it?

  7. Not a bad idea, if they can make a profit on it; "charge" being the operative word.  But I think it would cost more than a cup of coffee to install the transformer and circuitry to charge everyone's car, don't you?  

    At best they would only put in a few charging stations at first, so why not give them an advantage, like ... handicapped parking is closest to the door, EV parking is second closest to the door.

    EV handicapped parking is in the lobby *lol*   ;-)

  8. I think some would, also...probably companies like those that currently provide bus passes for their employees to promote the environment (unless they're just doing it because parking is scarce.)  Other companies may make it available but charge for it.  But I wouldn't count on it being available at every new job!

  9. Some will. The good PR alone will pay for the electric bill, which by the way is charged at a lesser rate than your electricity at home.

    Eventually the influx of electric vehicles may overwhelm the PR gain but by then people will be sold on EV's.

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